Praise the Lord and Pass the Switchblade

Here's more of that good Christian charity. We're told constantly that school prayer will help keep kids from being immoral; apparently that doesn't hold true in Crawford County, Georgia. Two teachers there recently asked the school board to stop opening their meetings with prayer. Their reward? Vandalism.

The teachers asked the school board last month to stop giving invocations, which are routinely Christian and often mention Jesus Christ by name, at monthly board meetings and events such as new teacher orientation.

That same night, Laura Meldrum, a special education teacher, and Charles Gaston, who teaches English, found their car tires slashed in the school board's parking lot.

Yep, that's just what Jesus would do.

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No, it was punishment from God, not vandalism. You should know this by now, Ed!

Maybe instead of spending time praying to Jesus the school board should try this new thing called "getting things done."

Why should it suprise anyone that American Christians are intolerant of any opinion contrary to theirs. Haven't you heard of our consittuion and bill of rights? Why it's right here in the bible, " other gods before me."

Oh? There weren't any references to the bible in our declaration of independance or constitution or bill or rights? Then where did that idea come from, that our country was founded on Christianity?

Bottom line. Our government through our constitution and bill of rights promotes religious tolerance. Religions don't.

Can you think of one religion that promotes tolerance of others' religious choices, that its beliefs are no better than all those other religions? If they are tolerant its because we are in America, not because the religion is tolerant.

Why aren't we challenging the Religious fundamentalist as UNAMERICAN TRAITORS to our constitution and country?

The funny thing is that this was a board meeting, so it likely wasn't teenagers, who you would expect to use this kind of petty tactic. It was probably done by adults of voting age. Maybe funny isn't the right word. Its scary.

Most pagan beliefs are very tolerant of other religions. When you belive that multiple gods exist, it is kind of silly not to be.

Hey, c'mon, Ed: you've completely ignored the uncontrovertible fact that they did not get their tires slash WHILE THEY WERE PRAYING!

Doesn't everyone know that Jesus always carried a switch blade, the better to convert the heathens?

Hey, this just goes to show that Christianity is incompatible with western democratic values--right?

Fuuny that you see this an intentional act, rather a random occurrance, Ed. Are you claiming there is some evidence of design here?

Sorry, couldn't help myself. ;D

Elf Eye-

Some forms of Christianity are absolutely incompatible with liberal democratic ideals. You seem to think that because I pointed out that some forms of Islam are incompatible with those ideals that somehow I'm excusing the same thing about some forms of Christianity. But I can't imagine how or why anyone would think that.

As a resident of nearby Houston county, I can't say I'm surprised.

What's up with making a big deal out of everyone having the same prayer before a meeting anyway? Are prayers a wave or a particle or something? Does everyone praying together create a larger "prayer wave" that has an easier time getting some god's attention? Does everyone praying the same prayer make it like "prayer buckshot" that increases the chance of scoring some hits on a fast moving god?

(Though I am surprised they stopped at vandalism. We've got plenty of good lynchin' trees 'round these parts.)

Elf Eye said -
Hey, this just goes to show that Christianity is incompatible with western democratic values--right?

No. Like moderate, reasonable Muslims, there are moderate reasonable Christians - all of whom are just fine outside theocratic rule. In fact, many Christians (probably Muslims too, but I'm unfamiliar) are dead against any kind of theocracy, believeing that acceptance of Christ and the choice to live a certain way are impossible if it is against the law not to.

Don't forget that the minds of those children are composed by informations that exceeds the informations storaged into their brains. Exceeding the surrounding Nature, those informations are abstracts constructions, which needs being feeded by some kind of "phantasye".

If ours kids have no phantasye for to keep buzzy their minds, they go to depression and addiction of drugs. And the reality from our Science - the man evolved from apes - is very depressive for kids to support it. So, which is your suggestion for the best kind of phantasye for our kids? Religion? Santa Claus? Nazism? The technologic robbotism guiding to the Big Brother and New Brave World?

I think religion is not the worst phantasye. It is bad, but not the worst.Instead trying to kill religion as phantasye, we need put our brains at work for searching a better substitute. Like we, at Matrix's Theory are working for.

While vandalism is contrary to Christianity, those teachers should spend their time teaching & not complaining. They can always find a job someplace that shares their values.

It seems that Christianity is the most harrassed religion today. It is OK for Muslims to pray to Alla many times a day & is tolerated. Almost any religious literature ia accepted except the Bible.

Frankly, I am tired of my faith being the butt of all these religious jokes, harrassment, anger, etc. I don't criticize other religions. Wonder why mine is the scapegoat? Because Jesus was also??

Crawford County, GA

Liz -
Would you be comfortable working at a school or other government job, that opened meetings with prayers to Mithera? Do you think that you should just have to find another job, in a district or municipality that was more receptive to your personal beliefs?

Certainly, some people will defend Muslims while slamming Christians. That is unfortunate but true, I have run into it a lot as a liberal Christian. But I doubt you would find many people in this forum, who make that distinction. In fact, for most people I have dealt with here, the distinction lies in fundamentalists V. moderates - of any religion.

Liz wrote:

While vandalism is contrary to Christianity, those teachers should spend their time teaching & not complaining. They can always find a job someplace that shares their values.

Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, did you write that with a straight face?

It seems that Christianity is the most harrassed religion today. It is OK for Muslims to pray to Alla many times a day & is tolerated.

And someone tries to stop you from praying to God whenever you feel like it? Do tell, who does so? If not, what on earth is your point? You are every bit as free to pray as any Muslim.

Almost any religious literature ia accepted except the Bible.

Accepted by whom, and in what context? This is gibberish by itself.

Frankly, I am tired of my faith being the butt of all these religious jokes, harrassment, anger, etc. I don't criticize other religions. Wonder why mine is the scapegoat?

Maybe if you'd stop saying stupid things like people shouldn't complain when they get their tires slashed, you'd have a clue.

Yes Liz. The people who slashed those tires are scapegoats just like Jesus. And so are you. Just like Jesus. (LOL!)

Delusional much?

These types of responses by individuals are interesting. Both the slashers and Liz above. It brings to mind Dennetts distiction between those that believe in an actual supernatural being and those that believe in the belief in a supernatural being.

I would say the slashers are believers in the belief and I'm not sureabout Liz above but I tend to think so also. It is proposed that the vast majority of 'believers' are as well.

Posted by: Ed Brayton | December 18, 2006 01:26 PM: Wrote
"Maybe if you'd stop saying stupid things like people shouldn't complain when they get their tires slashed, you'd have a clue."

I didn't mention tires, did I? I referred to complaints about giving invocations at Board meetings. And how many teachers was that? Does a vocal minority take the Board's rights away?

Does calling people names & others using vulgar language fortify their case? Or does it just make them look good?

Liz: What "rights" are being taken away from the board? If they want to begin their workdays with a prayer, each of them can say a prayer in his/her home, with absolute impunity, before going to work.

And no, you didn't mention "tires," but you did mention "vandalism," which, in this case, includes the slashing of tires. You were obviously blaming the victim, then hiding in the (insufficient) vagueness of your language when you were called on it.

You're really not representing Christ very well lately.

By Raging Bee (not verified) on 19 Dec 2006 #permalink


School boards are government agencies, not individuals. Individuals have rights; government agencies have authorities or powers. As individuals, the members of that board have the right to pray anytime they want. But when doing their duty as government officials, they may not use that position to force others to sit through their religious exercises.