Bush Double Speak

I saw him say this on TV and just sat there with my mouth agape:

I don't like the tone in Washington, D.C. I feel like that the politics has gotten ugly, and that tends to discourage people around the country. And that's just too bad.

This from the guy who had his underlings doing push-polling during the 2000 election to inform people that John McCain had a "biracial" baby. How about that tone, George, was that okay? Oh wait, that was the tone in South Carolina, not in Washington DC. Now tell us again how you don't like the tone, then tell us all about how the terrorists will win if people vote for Democrats.

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Dude, the terrorists already won.

I watched that story on an old TV. I tried adjusting the "tone" control, but the message didn't get any less hypocritical.

The "brilliance" and "brightness" controls didn't do anything for him either.

I think the typical response from him on that sort of thing is that he wasn't responsible for the people who work for him. The buck stops somewheres else when it comes to all that fancy complicated campaigning type stuff.

C'mon, they're "all alike." I'm getting really sick of that one too. Is it just me, or is this the scenario:

Person 1: "Politics is so ugly, they're all a bunch of corrupt liars."

Person 2: "The political process has gotten pretty nasty."

Person 1: "They're all the same, a bunch of crooks, but that [insert Democrat's name] is just horrible ... [insert Republican's name] is an upright and moral person."

Person 2: "Ummm fact check (or other non-partisan analysis) showed that [insert Republican's name]'s add about [insert Democrat's name] was [insert variation of lie/exaggeration/misquote, etc.]."

Person 1: "Well [insert Democrat's name] [promises too much/lies too/is worse, etc.]"

Person 2: "Actually fact check (or orther non-partisan analysis) found that [insert Democrat's name]'s claims about [Republican's name]'s voting record is quite accurate."

Person 1: "You're just a dupe of the liberal media."

It just seems like, every time I've run into a conservative who makes a generalized statement about the state of politics in our country, it is almost immediately followed by a contradictory and often hypocritical campaign speech for the local Republican candidate.

By dogmeatIB (not verified) on 04 Nov 2006 #permalink

Well I have certainly been receiving alot of full color political ads recently. And they seem to be following a trend. Republican ads center around attacking their opponents with misleading things like this (democratic opponent) voted 9 times to give ILLEGAL aliens college educations when working families can't afford to send their AMERICAN children (when in actuality it was voted to allow the children of illegal aliens in-state tuition. Not quite the same thing).

And then the Democratic ads seem to be pictures of children and cherry blossoms, and all they say is "there's a change in the air... be a part of it!" Certainly more tasteful and not chock full of lies, but it doesn't really stand on anything other than we know you don't like the republicans.