Rothschild and Harvey Recognized

The Pennsylvania Bar Association has given an award to Eric Rothschild and Steve Harvey of Pepper Hamilton for their pro bono work in the Dover ID case. The award is richly deserved. I have never seen a law firm put the kind of immense resources into a pro bono case as Pepper Hamilton did in that case. For a major firm, pro bono work is what you let the kids fresh out of law school do, the ones without a big client list, in order to get them some experience. Not in this case. They assigned 3 full partners and 2 associates to the case and gave them incredible resources to get the job done. And on top of that, they didn't take a dime for billable hours in the case out of the final settlement. That kind of commitment deserves to be recognized because it is incredibly rare.

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I agree wholeheartedly with both your comment and the award. This is extremely rare behavior by a large law firm such as Pepper Hamilton and should be roundly commended.

By Kenneth Fair (not verified) on 06 Nov 2006 #permalink