Return of the Redeye

I am home now, but I took the redeye home last night and got in after noon today. I am thoroughly exhausted and I'm going to take a nap. I'll post some stuff later.

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In comments to the Sagan post, Niall asked about how I spend my time. This is about to change, as today is the last day of my class for the fall term, then we have an extended break, but it's probably interesting in a life-in-academia way to put up my schedule at the moment: Monday, Wednesday,…
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It's the end of the year, and I'm feeling a bit reflective. (I'm also avoiding a daunting between-semesters to-do list. When will I manage to take a break?) In a recent comment thread, Female Engineering Professor commented: I often find myself wondering about various random threads on these blogs…

You might be a blogger if...
... you blog about how you won't be blogging right now.

Wait a sec. Is racism against bloggers acceptable comedy?

Is racism against bloggers acceptable comedy?

Shouldn't that be 'blogism'?

Can't wait til you comment on this story:

VATICAN CITY: Pope Benedict XVI and top Vatican officials will hold a meeting to discuss requests for lifting the celibacy requirement made by priests seeking to marry or who have already married, the Vatican said Monday.

The summit will take place on Thursday and was called because of the recent excommunication of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, the Vatican said in a statement.

Benedict called the meeting to examine the implications of the "disobedience" of the Zambian prelate, who was excommunicated in September for installing four married men as bishops.

Milingo had previously angered the Holy See in 2001, when he was married to a South Korean acupuncturist chosen for him by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, in a group wedding ceremony in New York. Upon appeal from Pope John Paul II a few months later, he renounced that union.

Milingo disappeared from his residence outside Rome in June, resurfacing a month later in Washington, D.C., to announce he was back with his wife and was championing the cause of married priests through his new advocacy group "Married Priests Now."

The Vatican said in September that Milingo and the four men he ordained as bishops were "automatically excommunicated" under church law. The Vatican added that it did not recognize the ordination of the four and would not recognize any ordinations done by those men in the future.

Milingo said the Catholic Church should embrace more than 150,000 married priests worldwide in part to ease the ongoing clergy shortage and to elevate the sanctity of marriage.

These guys have more than just sexual issues; if the Catholic Church can be swayed into changing their opinion on this issue by a guy who thought he had to get married in a Moonie Church, they're even crazier than I thought.

I sent you this while you were away. I'll post it here because all the cool people are posting their stuff.

Landscapers refuse work for gay couple

A private business in Houston refused to submit a bid for a landscaping job offered by a gay couple. Since then, it's been an unhealthy mix of outrage and praise from as far away as Australia.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 13 Nov 2006 #permalink

I found out on Monday night (as I was reading Sunday's paper because I, too, was out of town) Ed's blog was featured on the front page of the op-ed section of the Sunday Inland Empire Press-Enterprise in a column called "Best of the Blogs." The paper serves Riverside and San Bernardino counties in Southern California; one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation right now (in case "Inland Empire Press-Enterprise" sounds a bit podunk to you.)

Way to go, Ed!


I didn't see that on their website. Can you possibly mail me a copy of the article, if you still have it? Email me for an address.