Whoops! -- and vacation schedule

We accidentally put up Sunday's Sermonette this morning (Saturday) but now I've moved it to its proper place on Sunday (tomorrow). This happened because the Reveres are on the road (literally) headed for the beach for a few weeks and I wrote the Sermonette late at night after driving all day. At the beach we won't have internet connection, although we are told there is a wifi hot spot not too far away, so we'll check in periodically.

We're not settled on how we are going to handle blogging under these conditions. We will try to put up all the things you know and love to hate (like the Sermonette) and as many other posts as possible. We may dip into the archives (2500 posts or so) for some we think worth revisiting. We may write some new ones and post them when we get a chance. Or we may just say, "Fuck it" and hope you will come back when we return to civilization. It's been almost three years without a break, so our spouses and assorted friends tell us we are entitled. Our obsessive compulsions say otherwise, but we understand there is medication for this.

While the various R-spouses (however many that may be) are at the beach absorbing carcinogenic UV, the Reveres will be in air conditioned splendor, listening to music, reading and doing a little science. If you continue to see new posts here, feel free to admonish us.


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Simply have a great vacation. If it suits you to post, go ahead. Otherwise, have fun.
Thanks for everything you post.
Best, DA

By DeadAhead (not verified) on 11 Aug 2007 #permalink

And the weather forecast for the East Coast is pretty much clear until about Thursday... What will likely be hurricane Dean is forming as we speak off the coast of Africa. ETA to Florida/East Coast is about a week from now.

Have a safe trip.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 11 Aug 2007 #permalink