Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: pwning the rabbi

We do a lot of Christian baiting here. Admittedly the tendency of many Christians to make lampooning easy is a factor. But we need to give other religions a chance, too. So we bring you now Richard Dawkins pwning an orthodox rabbi. What I particularly like about this is the way Dawkins highlights the fundamental wrongness of isolating and indoctrinating children in ways that separate them from the world and their fellow humans. If a cult is a social structure with a dictatorial leader who practices mind control, the rebbe presides over a cult. And also, in my view, commits child abuse:

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I used to live in the no man's land between a Hasidic community and the projects in Brooklyn. I found it simply amazing just how insular a little community it was and I felt terribly sorry for their children, who would likely face expulsion if they didn't accept the indoctrination.

A few years ago, I read an article about a Brooklyn Hasid who blogged, calling himself the Hasidic Rebel. He wrote about taking his daughters to a public library in secret. Can you imagine?

I am sorry Revere, my computer always can not watch You Tube continuously, instantly stops and goes. Ironically, I could have caught the pose when it has stopped. I like Rabbi's innocent and defenseless face. :-) I disdain the face of sophisticated suspicion and intentional hidden agenda.

I am not a multi-culturist, are you? The biological differences, we can not choose. While regarding the culture differences, before 18 years old, the parents have responsibilities and influences; after 18 years, it was your choice.

English culture and Jewish culture in London, I don't like to compare between them. But if any one is associated with fundamentalism or scientism in life style, I have no interest.

I think that American Jews have driven very well; they are fond of art, mindful life style, more than 50% mixed marriages, etc. English society need to learn more from American in treating people as the whole; not the other around. Sorry for my English friends. I sincerely hope that R Dawkins can focus in upgrading English advance in human equality between white and non-white; then I would admire his contribution.

You might be stretching the definition of "child abuse" here. I am a big fan of science and the theory of evolution to the exclusion of most of religion myself. However I don't think Dawkins' sort of tone or the one in this post (which seems to contrast the usual tone of this blog) helps the matter much.

I wouldn't even say he pwn'd the rabbi - concluding an argument by calling the other person's argument "ridiculous" isn't very persuasive or scholarly. What's missing here does seem to me to mirror what is missing in the dialog between the current generation of parents and doctors when it comes to vaccinating: communication. There is no true understanding or intelligent communicating going on between the two in either debate thus hindering any movement forward. True dialog takes a lot of effort and moves things forward very slowly. So most people get emotionally frustrated and revert to name calling and everyone's mind shuts down. It IS hard to manage all the information available to us these days. I'd like to see scientists admit that humans have a need to fulfill themselves spiritually in a way that can directly contribute to their well being. AND I'd like to see the religious fanatics acknowledge that the science used to determine things like the age of the earth is the same reliable and precise science that makes their post-modern life so much safer and more comfortable.