Republicans play the social media card (heh, heh)

We're communicating through the marvel of the internet, you and I. Obama figured out how to use it to advantage and McCain didn't. Maybe it's a generational thing. At any rate, at this moment in history, any party that doesn't learn from history is bound to be history. Any Party like the Republican Party. Their preferred mode of communicating is via the Echo Chamber of far right talk radio and websites. Democrats have figured out how to use technology more creatively -- creative in the sense of creating people who agree with their positions. Instead of scaring the living crap out of people or inflaming their basest instincts, Democrats and the Left more generally have concentrated on informing and connecting people of diverse backgrounds. Of course it's easier if you have a diverse Party to begin with. The Republican Party is 88% white Anglos. But they could at least give it a try.

And they are. Object of Derision in Chief Michael Steele is has formed a Republican National Committee Technology Committee. Who should be on a "technology committee" tasked with bringing greater emphasis on the use of new technologies and social media tools for the 2010 elections? Maybe people who know something about it? Or just party functionaries or business persons? Here's the RNC Press Release, in its entirety, and the list committee members:


August 7, 2009 202-863-8614


WASHINGTON - Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele today announced the appointment of numerous Republican leaders who will make up the RNC Technology Committee. Chairman Steele released the following statement on today’s announcement:

“As part of my campaign pledge to bring greater emphasis on the use of new technologies and social media tools to the RNC, I am pleased to announce these Republican leaders as my appointments to the RNC Technology Committee. As the Republican Party prepares for elections this fall and in 2010, it is important that the RNC and Republican state parties work together and take full advantage of new technologies that help us share our principles of fiscal responsibility, less government, lower taxes, and personal freedom and responsibility with Americans. I look forward to working with these exceptionally qualified men and women to continue furthering the use and application of emerging technology, especially the tools of social media, for political activism.”

RNC Technology Committee Members

Saul Anuzis, Former Michigan Republican Party Chairman (Chairman)
Sharon Day, Florida National Committeewoman
Dee Dee Benkie, Indiana National Committeewoman
Matt Strawn, Iowa Republican Party Chairman
Amanda Adkins, Kansas Republican Party Chairman
Mark Fahleson, Nebraska Republican Party Chairman
Sue Lowden, Nevada Republican Party Chairman
Gary Emineth, North Dakota Republican Party Chairman
Bo Palacios, Northern Mariana Islands National Committeeman
Gary Jones, Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman
Carol Mumford, Rhode Island National Committeewoman
Susie Hudson, Vermont National Committeewoman
Jeff Kent, Washington National Committeeman (RNC Press Release)

Of course, maybe some of these people actually know something about the subject. I took a look at a few, and indeed some seem to have a relationship to technology. Here's one of the better examples, Mr. Gary Emineth, North Dakota Republican Party Chairman. According to biographical material, Mr. Emineth has 24 years experience as a grocer and 6 years as a gasoline/convenience store retailer. But in addition he does indeed have technology experience, working with Data Systems, Inc. (DSI):

DSI is the nation’s largest independent provider of electronic retail systems. DSI serves thousands of customers across the U.S. through its 23 regional Retail Data Systems offices and its software development division: Software 4 Retail Solutions.


Supermarket/Grocery Experience


  • Understand how to leverage fuel technology to increase revenue and improve profitability at the pump and in store
  • Created retail operations control methods to monitor and track operations at a broad and detailed level Technology
  • Responsible for business relationships and development with IBM, NCR, Microsoft, ICL-Fujitsu as solution providers for the retail industry
  • Traveled extensively to assist retailers, wholesalers and supermarket executives who desired to leverage technology to their advantage.

Seminars included:

  • Making the Most of POS (Customer Specific Marketing/Frequent Shopper)
  • Kicked off next generation POS System using Windows NT
  • Management Tools For Improved Profitability
  • More Effective Buying Power
  • Pricing Tools to Optimize Pricing
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Developed best-of-class solutions for the supermarket industry through the use of Microsoft Software
  • Strategic planning, company marketing and sales direction
  • V.P. Marketing with Immune Solutions, a start up Artificial Intelligence company for the e-Commerce industry
  • Founder of SmartEcho, a cross-marketing solution for the retail industry
  • Participated in the Internet revolution working Venture Capital companies, B2B initiatives and Retail Exchanges
  • Served on various industry standards committees in the retail industry

Is experience with supermarket and gas station point of service software a reasonable background for understanding how new technologies and social media can contribute to helping Republicans get elected? Could be. Stranger things have happened. But when it comes to new media, one has the strong feeling that the boat has sailed and neither Mr. Steele nor Mr. Emineth have booked passage on it. They're pulling at the oars of their little dingy in some safe harbor where there is nothing but other little row boats just like theirs.

Bon voyage.

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Inexperience is meaningless. We have a president with a past experience of only 2 years in the Senate but frequent Blackbeery use. It is not a matter of what you know, it is a matter of how you look and who you know.

By BostonERDoc (not verified) on 08 Aug 2009 #permalink


Then I'm guessing that Mr. Steele doesn't know a single soul in the Republican party who has electronic communications savvy and that he looks utterly uninspired. Futility can do that to a person.

That, or he's a closet Obama supporter.

To show you just how 'with it' the Repubs are, their current strategy for defeating national health care is disrupting town hall meetings by shouting down Democrats. They've taken a page right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals from 1971. (Hint: Didn't work against Nixon...)

BostonERDoc - Just fyi, our incumbent president has experienced four (4) years in the US Senate (and even more in the Illinois Senate).

This, alas, has evidently been enough to eliminate whatever tendencies he may have had toward independent thinking and to inculcate terminal conformity and conventionalism. The overall prognosis is poor.

MoM - if only the 'Pubz had read more than one page of Alinsky, maybe they'd have a plan beyond disruption by flash mob. Just as well, really...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 09 Aug 2009 #permalink

Thats alright Revere... At least a Democrat invented it... Al Gore. You know the guy who couldnt even get elected in his own state?

Yeah MoM....I am one of those "mob" members that went after Steve Cohen here in Memphis. I have known him for about 25 years and he is an okay guy, but only an idiot goes against the will of the people and I can safely say that the "mob" outnumbered the reformers by about 8 to 1.

The most threatening thing as I have said is that the mid-terms go for the Republicans and Obamanation is through at that point. You know things are bad when Feinstein has a very good chance at losing her seat.

I am waiting on my audit from the IRS just any day now.

By M. Randolph Kruger (not verified) on 09 Aug 2009 #permalink