It's not the heat, it's the humidity

We're still at the beach (you're probably tired of hearing that, but Mrs. R. is already wringing her hands and gnashing her teeth at the thought that next week we won't be able to say it), and it's really hot here. Nineties and humid. Two years ago (August 2007) we were also here and it was also hot. Nineties and humid. It's always hot and humid at the beach. That's why they call it the beach! (huh? I thought it was because that's the place where some bozo plays his music too loud and you get sand in your picnic sandwiches). Whatever. It's hot. Last time it prompted this little post on why it's true that it's not the heat but the humidity -- and why:

Link: We're having a heat wave


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I prefer a slightly edited version of that gem:

"It's not the heat, it's the stupidity."

Don't disagree with anything here, but most people using the phrase are referring to the heat in the air, which is more a function of temperature than humidity. The humidity of course lowers the rate of heat loss from your body, making you feel hotter at the same temperature with a lower humidity, since your bodies heat content is higher.