Dr. David Michaels confirmed as OSHA DIrector

We've just received news that last night the Senate unanimously confirmed our friend and colleague, Dr. David Michaels as an Assistant Secretary of Labor -- specifically, Director of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). He starts sometime next week.

Now the top two posts (Michaels as Director, Jordan Barab as Deputy) are held by strong advocates for the health and safety of workers. We will say here publicly what we said to David and Jordan privately. The way ahead will be difficult but we're all here to help. Just ask.

For those who want to more background, see our posts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here.

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This is great news! David and Jordan will make the most dynamic, creative and worker-oriented team ever at OSHA. A bright light in an otherwise pretty grim landscape of economic problems, unemployment, congressional stalemates and wars.

With fatality rates at all time historic lows, why in the world would we want the Administration to take such an aggressive and antibusiness stance with regards to zealous enforcement? Why are the unions so bitter? Oh well, looks like it will only be for 3 more years anyway.