Vote for the next Volcano Profile

Time to vote for the next Volcano Profile. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions after answering the poll!

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I voted Soufriere Hills since it has generated a huge amount of interesting scientific papers about volcano dynamics, etc.

By SHIRAKAWA Akira (not verified) on 02 Aug 2009 #permalink

Difficult choices. Went with Ruapehu due to the Lau-Havre-Taupo back-arc basin.

I went with Erta Ale because the whole continent-splitting rift-valley thing is just so cool to consider. Anyone know of a travel company that specialises in organzing volcano trips to places far off the beaten tourist path?

Karymsky on the gorgeous (and isolated) Kamchatcka peninsula. My second would be Soufriere Hills - those are the only two on the list that are currently interesting. Sorry Kiwis - Ruaupehu is booooring - call again when Ruaupehu does something.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 Aug 2009 #permalink

@Doug: I don't know about travel companies, but if you can find a volcano research group that visits and don't mind having a dog's body around to do the hard work you might be able to 'volunteer' (your time, your money, and they tell you what to do). Make no mistake, you selected one of the most inhospitable and difficult spots to get to. :)

By MadScientist (not verified) on 03 Aug 2009 #permalink

Hey Doug,

I only know about one volcano travel company. He specifically mentions a tour that includes the volcano you mentioned.

The website also very occasionally has some noteworthy reports or video from volcanoes I find interesting.

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink

another volcano travel company is "Volcano Discovery", which is run by my friend and colleague Tom Pfeiffer. I know they do trips to a number of exotic volcanic areas, including the Erta-Ale area. So with either Volcanolive or Volcano Discovery you should have a bit of a chance!
Best from Mount Etna, Sicily

I voted for Soufriere Hills not only because it is quite dangerous and puts a sizable population on several islands (not just Montserrat) at risk, but also because hurricane season is here and the volcanic dome there is big and unstable. It has withstood passing hurricanes pretty well in the last couple seasons, but that's no guarantee it will remain stable.

I went with Erta Ale because the rift in the valley there is so facinating.

By theroachman (not verified) on 04 Aug 2009 #permalink

I went with Karymsky, because it's almost as active as Klyuchev, and doesn't get the publicity :o)..and because of its curious eruptive relationship to the neighbouring caldera complex.
On another topic: John Seach knows his way around Ambrym (a future volcano profile candidate, Erik?) so if you go with volcanolive for lava lakes that's probably the best bet

Maybe one of your future features could be Stromboli? I seem to recall there are a bunch of interesting things about it.

I wish I could remember what novel it was I read that featured a group of Italian bandits that set up their hideaway among active volcanic features -- good for avoiding being discovered by casual passersby and good for giving pursuers the slip too if you know where the few safe paths are.

@vasha: Yes, the dining on Stromboli is excellent. :) Oh, and of course that's where we get the phrase 'Strombolian eruption'; that busy little volcano has been spitting out hot rocks on a fairly regular basis before the establishment of the city of Rome - the start of the eruptions is not described in any known existing literature. Have you checked out the web cams for Stromboli?

Links to Italian volcanos:


("rete di telecamere" = network of remote cameras)

For Etna there are also civilian webcams set up by various groups.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink

Might there be an impending Volcano Profile for Cumbre Vieja? Folks on the USA Atlantic coast may be especially interested in this potential tsunami generator.

By MoGemStone (not verified) on 07 Aug 2009 #permalink

I wish there were a list of your volcano articles on the sides somewhere. I like re-reading them. Of course, if I'm missing it, can someone point it out to me?