October is Donors Choose Month

I've never been very good about asking for donations for anything, mostly because I know that for many of us, money can be tight. However, when it comes down to it, there are almost always people less fortunate than those of us who can spend our time blogging - or reading blogs - on the interweb. October is Donors Choose Month here on ScienceBlogs and us geobloggers - Kim at All My Faults are Stress-Related and Anne at Highly Allochthonous have joined forces to get donations for geo-related charities/projects - for example, helping an inner-city class in Chicago get a set of rocks for the kids to see rather than just pictures in books. Kim H. over at AMFASR has set up a whole list of geo-friendly projects for your perusal. If you have the ability, please help out - Kim has a page with all the details of what to do. Thanks for any help!

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