Send me your questions for Dr. Boris Behncke on Italian volcanism

Just a reminder ...

Etna erupting in November 2002.

If you have any questions for Dr. Boris Behncke, who runs Italy's Volcanoes along with the volcanology page for the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Catania, please send them in to me at


. I've got some good question so far!

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...just to make sure - I am working on a part of the NEW web site of the INGV (which has yet to go on-line, I think in the first half of November), not the one that is currently on-line and has not been much updated lately :-)
As for an update about Etna, the volcano is currently in repose following its 419-days long eruption between May 2008 and 2009. However, there are clear signs that Etna is recharging, so I hope I will be able to answer your questions before the next eruption starts!