Eyjafjallajökull eruption update for April 26, 2010

Night image of Eyjafjallajökull erupting on April 24, 2010. Image courtesy of James Ashworth.

A quick update on the Eyjafjallajökull eruption: Not a lot to report in terms of changes in the volcanic activity at the volcano. The update from the Icelandic Met Office last night sums it up nicely:

Overall activity similar as yesterday. Eruption seen from west in the morning - north crater still active. External water has not affected vent activity much since 18 April. Geologists' field observations (2-10 km from vents) show that explosivity is magmatic and that the tephra produced since 18 April is much coarser than during first four days. Explosions heard at FljótshlÃð, 10-15 km NW of vents. Meltwater discharge suggest similar lava activity. Processing of data obtained yesterday shows that lava had advanced 400-500 m northwards from crater, forming an ice depression extending some 700 m from vents.

Overall assessment: Magma flow rate has remained at similar level over the last few days while plume activity is slowly declining. Lava continues flowing towards north. No signs of melting or meltwater discharge towards south. No signs of termination of eruption.

This update is one of the first to mention lava flowing in the crater, almost half a kilometer at this point. The ash from the volcano is causing little disruption of air traffic today, with even the airports on Iceland reopening after closing over the weekend. Iceland continues to recover from the eruption as well. This is also a report of thermal imaging from space that suggests that the heat being emitted from the volcano is rising, which might make sense if more of the basaltic magma is filling the edifice and erupting in the strombolian explosions and lava flows.

Now, the political storm caused by the flight cancellations continues to rage as well. I still stand by my ascertion that EU officials made the right decision with the information on hand. Most of the articles criticizing the closure refer to information we know now but was unknown to the people making decisions during the eruption - so, remember, hindsight is always 20/20. The question I ask anyone who thinks the closure was wrong: based on the information on hand at the time (ash from a volcanic eruption was likely over Europe, potentially in significant amounts and we have little information of how much ash an airliner can ingest safely), would you have let your mother take a flight? I think, pretty clearly, the answer should be "no". What this all shows is that EU officials needed a better plan to deal with these exceedingly rare events for most of northern Europe and airlines needed to have ready access to information about how their planes would respond. The way the media and business has responded, by trying to scapegoat the government in being "overly cautious" (as they should be) will make the next ash disruption a lot harder to implement and we can only hope that it doesn't lead to a real disaster.


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UFOs and Swedish long-range bombers, sure! Did you hear the one about the real reason why Icelandic farmers are "cleaning up" all the "ash" too? Cos there's about 0,03% Au present in the ash (ie one ton of ash will yield about $5,000 in gold). There are also reports of diamond finds. Only lucky farmer reportedly picked up a 1.97ct rough pink diamond that will be worth about $295,000 when cut. Those were on MSNBC's "Breaking News" in response to Titter Group messages.


By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Clouds clearing just a bit on the cams and voda phone

Good Morning all.

Well, I missed the party. I am looking forward to seeing a time lapse of the flood. I did check out the Vodaphone pics and I got the idea.

When I was watching last night, I did see three different plumes coming out of the eruption site while I was watching the Vala cam. I saw white steam, black ash, and a brownish plume behind the Strombolian fountains. So there could be three areas of activity. It is possible that there are three vents in the crater itself, but I have no idea if that is accurate.

Last night I figured it was a plane. It just looked like it from the video. I hope they got some good pics and will make them available because that would be really neat, especially if they got a pic of the lava flow. That could be going under the ice, though, but I think you could still tell where it is from the steam.

I will be of and on line today so I will probably miss a lot :-( but I will catch up later. Have fun watching if you can see anything!

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Heads up! It looks like a big white blob at the top of the glacier on the Thoro cam. Check it out and let me know what you think.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink


Does the opening of the water fall or discharge area and river HAVE An official NAME?

There appears to be a steam (circle vent) open at the top of the discharge opening section people watch. (Circle is currently right in front of the cloud layer). I saw this circle last night before the event - missed it.

That white blob looks like a steam vent.

By beedragon Canada (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Please excuse my ignorance but is that a new crater on the Poro came or just a steam vent

Sure looks like a lot of steam coming out of that! What is going on there?

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

I thought the plume looked whiter if it was just steam...this seems a bit darker to me.

By renee chicago (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Lurking after looking at that I still have to say the same thing as last night:

425 Lurking I think it's normal but what's normal when one half of your country is on one continental plate and the other half is on another plate.....with a hot spot/mantle plume in the middle;)

Boris or Erik can give you a better idea....I have been watching those quakes in that area for a couple of months now and they seem to ebb and flow....much like the lava in EJ. When you are looking and see that area go from a few quakes a day to 70+ in an hour like EJ did....then you can be pretty darn sure something is up;)

looks like one of the visible cavities from yesterday slumped more (set off hlaup?) and is gettig the steam-cleaning treatment

By birdseye USA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

#513 Randal
Thanks on the EQ frequency note: during ealier EJ event EQs increased to 70 plus EQs within an hours time.

Renee, I think the poor lighting is leading to the different shades in the steam. If it gets really dark, then we will know for sure what it is! Right now it is only steam and it could be a fumerol or just the ice up there steaming from the heat.

By Diane N CA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink


Your right birdseye, The 'cavity' that is visible is the lowest one of 3 that you can easily see on the photo link that Janet posted earlier today.. scroll up for the link. lol

It was when the lava flow hit that sump that the steam event really started, and shortly after the water really started to flow, it is much less now though compared to a few hours ago..

A little off-topic.

The blog Geotripper has a little piece of film from the USGS. The USGS has a cam at the Death Valley site of an endangered species, the pupfish. It's got really good footage of the effects of the earthquake at the Mexico/USA border. Having experienced earthquakes, I've got to say, this is the best view of the Feeling of an earthquake. Garry Hayes at Geotripper has more information:


Earthquake under Katla?


By beedragon Canada (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

How significant is a 1.5m EQ 5.8km under Katla?? Is that normal activity for the Katla region?

It seems that the lava is burrowing its way underneath the glacier, and I would suppose that every now and then a portion of the glacier collapses onto the lava flow, causing the steaming in various spots higher upslope. This generates a lot of hot meltwater, which is the steaming stuff sometims appearing at the end of the glacier. There seems to be a lot of crumbling at the front of the glacier. The gas odor is most probably due to leaching of minerals from the lava by the hot water, or meltwater generated in the vent area, where there is a lot of gas escaping and possibly mixing with the water.

shelly Jon, Erk or Boris would know better but I would say an EQ here and there isn't anything but if you start seeing a bunch of them at a time....and in a short amount of time....then might be out of the norm....There hasn't really been all that many there in the past few months.

Help! In one of the previous threads, someone wrote an informative post about the interaction of lava and ice. They predicted the steam vents, using NY street vents as the analogy.

I've been thru the previous 3 threads looking for that post, but cannot find it. Does anyone remember where that is?

By parclair NoCal (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

@Boris Behncke, There is definitely water flowing over lava. But there is also something else going on there. Too bad we can't see it because of the cloud cover. But earlier I did see some dark ash cloud come from Eyjafjallajökull.

It seams to me that the lava flow must be getting closer to the outlet. Since the temperature of the water from the floding earlyer today was 11,21°C when it passed the old bridge over Markafljót, close to road #1.


When do you think the lava flow will show up on one of the cameras?

By VigdÃs - Iceland (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

parclair 528 - see 229ff,

By birdseye USA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

@parclair - New York steam vents mentioned in post 231 in this thread here.

By marginata, Aberdeen (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Ãórólfsfelli cam has been showing what appears to be explosions at the base of the waterfall visible through the moving cloud cover I am watching at max zoom
The fall looks solid from top to bottom

@ marginata, thank you!:-)

By parclair NoCal (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Maybe something more significant happened, e.g. the long awaited opening of another rift that Jón FrÃmann predicted a while ago?

The tremors are clearly trending up:


but then could it be only the signal of the increased water flow?

By Holger, California (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink


Why does all the excitement happen when I'm working or asleep? The views are now somewhat obscured by poor weather, so yet again I have missed all the action. :(

I am not sure it could be shedding of ice or something more interesting, but it was incredibly fast and through the clouds it appeared as a ring radiating from the base of the falls towards the cam

steam coming from the base of the falls now

getting so tense/can't see thu fog/ definately steaming;definately/ had to go and get my knitting
ps.... but Erik, we're not done with this volcano.;)

Vala cam currently showing glimpse of crater

By birdseye USA (not verified) on 28 Apr 2010 #permalink

Here comes the Fog
On Great Tiger paws

apologies to Whatshisname.

I was just reading your blog and I realized that what your wrighting is so true! People should think more often about this subject because this is to important to forget. Btw your blog is really hard to read on my iphone. The screen looks very small and some words are placed outside of the borders. But besides that.. your site is really top notch. Keep it up

Yo. First of all - beautiful blog! Secondly this article was also good and interesting to read, but I don't think everything you have said is real truth. I will need to google about few things you have mentioned in your artcile to make sure. But anyway thanks for trying and good luck on writing other articles. P.S sorry for bad English, I aren't English native speaker.