Mystery Volcano Photo #25

OK, first off an apology for this week: I will be kind of crazy busy while in Davis - two papers to churn through so we can get them submitted sometime this summer, so blogging may be minimal. So, remember, whenever you hear people talk about how professors have it easy because they get the summer "off" ...

Second off, another apology: Dr. Ed Kohut went to Boston College, not Boston University. You would have thought I could keep that straight, but alas, I confuse my Eagles with my Terriers.

Mea culpa to all!

Anyway, I have to send out a hearty congratulations to Boris Behncke destroying my attempt to challenge people with the last Mystery Volcano Photo as he got it right on the very first guess.. It was, indeed, Surtsey in Iceland. The picture is a slide scan from an old set of glass slides I found in storage at Oregon State while I was there - a set with images of eruptions from Surtsey and Hekla. I love the picture with the guys just casually watching the eruption from what looks like meters away from the vent.

Boris' correct guess puts him squarely in first place!

Current Standings
Boris Behncke - 4
The Bobs - 3
Don Crain - 3
gijs - 2
volcanista - 1
Lockwood - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Ralph - 1
Anne - 1
Cam - 1
gg - 1
Damon Hynes - 1
Marco - 1
Doug C. - 1
Diane - 1
Stephen - 1
MK, Alberta - 1
Kultsi - 1

Here is MVP #25 for your entertainment - the mystery volcano is the one peaking out from behind the foreground ridge.
Click on image to see a larger version

I promise more substance later this week!

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I never doubted #24 was Surtsey--even with the bamboo. ;-) Yay for Boris! #25 Ojos del Salado in the Andes?

Somewhere in the Kuriles? Possibly Bogatyr Ridge?

Thought I'd better qualify that, since Erik specifically mentioned the peak in the background, which would be Stokap Volcano if my guess is right.

I'd say that's a volcano on the Altiplano. Maybe it's Licancabur volcano?

There is a similar image on Flikr, but I can't post the link since it's waaay to long...

By Holger, N California (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

I'm going with El Misti in Peru. Same salt lake as Anne's but looking north instead.

By bruce stout (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

Well done Mike Don! The photo at is taken from a location just slightly different.

Alas, the time at which Erik posted the topic means that Europeans had little chance as they had to be either early risers with a habit of turning the pc on as soon as the alarm goes off or going to bed at very late hour. Not that I would have beaten Mike, but I rather fancy Boris might have. ;)

PS. Erik, you haven't credited me for MVP #19 Emi Koussi yet.

By Henrik, Swe (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

Just checked Google Earth. I think Anne's got it.

By bruce stout (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

go for sourth america
Tunupa ?

Henrik: I do get up early, switch on the PC as soon as I'm up, and check Eruptions within about ten minutes (just after checking my emails) got me "bang to rights" there :o)


By Renato Rio (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

And I score a perfect zero :-)
-Is this the Altiplano salt desert that is supposed to be so rich in lithium? Like watching an ore deposit where the ore is helpfully stacked up on the surface.

By Birger Johansson (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

I am going to go with Ollague on this one. Ollague has a dark cinder cone at its western foot, and I can just make out what appears to be such a cone in the distance in this photo. The salt flats in the foreground would have to be the Salar Corcote.

By Don Crain (not verified) on 20 Jul 2010 #permalink

I think it is El Misti too, but to say something else, a wild guess, Tacora

Interesting article Birger, but if that is the case (that large bubbles cannot form in magma) what on earth did we see exploding at Eyjafjallajökull (particularly those supersonic bursts)?

By bruce stout (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

I think Anne may have it.

The BC-BU confusion could get you in trouble at a hockey game. But in the interest of full disclosure I did cross register for two classes at BU, the campuses are only three miles apart. Can't swing a dead cat in Boston without hitting a college...or a hospital, or a Dunkin Donuts, or an Irish bar, or a guy named Sully wearing a Sox cap and Patriots T-shirt.


Finally a photo that was a challenge! Don Crain got it @14 with Ollague - I took this shot from the road above the Salar de San Martin (Carcote).

And Henrik, I'll make sure to fix the standings!

hi its been a week since i seen lady E on the cam, has she change?

Passerby - the shot I took was from the Chilean side of the border, so Ollague looks really different from the Bolivian side (and I think many shots are from the Bolivian side).

A raging dust storm at Eyjafjallajökull.

Leon, the situation is mostly unchanged, only periods of hardly any steaming seem longer; OTOH, more water seems to end up in the lava channel.

By Kultsi, Askola, FI (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

Finally found one that looks somewhat like it, but still not enough for an unambiguous visual ID.

The salt flat looks like it would be a great place to collect samples (extremophiles). Altiplano Atacama Desert is on my list.

@ 22 Renato

That guy's (Gerhard Hüdepohl) photos are just simply jaw-droppingly good. Absolutely stunning photography. Best I have ever seen in the web.

By bruce stout (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

#21 - #29 It's a shame I have never visited the Atacama, living so "close". It's surely something I'll have to do in my life time.

By Renato Rio (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

And I was confident Anne had it coming right out of the gate


If you have Google Earth, you can find a couple of photos with a similar view to Erik's shot that were taken from the area of the salar southwest of Volcan Ollague. If you use "Salar Carcote" as your search criteria in Google Earth you will have better luck than than if you try using "Ollague"

By Don Crain (not verified) on 21 Jul 2010 #permalink

This is what had me fooled ...

Many pictures look similar but the orientation isn't quite right. I carelessly assumed an altered standpoint and veiwing perspective.

Is anybody plotting the EQ's at Katla? Just like at Ejalla in January-March there seems to be a series of tremors followed by 36 - 48 hour of little activity. I say "seems" because I don't stop by the Iceland Met website everyday like I used to in those heady days of April-May. Is Katla stirring? Just curious.

MVP 25 : salt lake of Uyuni, Peru.
Muriel France