"The time to stop the ACLU is now."

Sally Kerns list of terrorists is getting long. Gays, evilutionists, and now, apparently, the ACLU:

In recent months, we have witnessed the reign of terror that the ACLU has exacted on Americans--aggressively working to strip away our religious freedom.

From the Pledge of Allegiance to the Ten Commandments, to prayer, the ACLU is the nation's foremost censor of religious freedom. They have effectively manipulated our very founding principles to repress religious liberty.

But it doesn't end there.

ACLU policies and goals are destroying America's fabric by pushing a radical agenda that supports polygamy, child pornography, infanticide, gun control and more.

Despite their claim to be great defenders of liberty, they are actually defending terrorists, molesters and murderers while attacking honest, hard-working, principled Americans.

The time to stop the ACLU is now.

What spurned this Caturday Kernado?

The OK ACLU asked how much government dough was used on Kerns Proclamation of Morality-- the OK Constitution is pretty damn explicit about religions and government money.

Well, this is simply unacceptable terrorism (except when they do it).

Because, according to a GOP push-poll, everyone in Oklahoma goes to church, so preaching from the capitol is really just The Will of the People.

A poll by Cole Hargrave Snodgrass taken about four years ago showed that Oklahoma has the highest percentage of church attendees in the nation. Oklahoma's people by and large are a religious people. They are concerned about the economy and our nation's morals. Rep. Kern's Oklahoma Citizen's Proclamation for Morality was a statement calling on those in Oklahoma who are concerned for their state and nation to take a stand.

So since everyone in Oklahoma goes to church... why did Kern need to issue a Proclamation on morality? Oklahomas saved, right? And why are so many of the 689 support signatures she has fake/protests/duplicates/anons, when OK state has a population of about 3.6 million (... poll crash?)?

I cant wait to see how this woman falls!! heeeeeeeeheeheehee!!! *giddy clapping*


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I make fun of OK on my blog regularly. Sometimes it feels like Im living on goddamn Mars, surrounded by Martians (aka 'Baptists') speaking gobbledy gook and creepy red dirt and forever-gusting wind that will drive you insane... It doesnt help when dipshits like Sally Kern proudly drag Oklahomans…
Oklahoma's bible-thumpingest congresscreature has issued a Proclamation of Morality. WHEREAS, the people of Oklahoma have a strong tradition of reliance upon the Creator of the Universe; and WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and WHEREAS,…
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What a lady. Only in America could something like this happen.

Or in Saudi Arabia. Or in Iran. Or in Indonesia. Or in...

By TheEngima23 (not verified) on 12 Jul 2009 #permalink

I'm always fascinated by what people seem to think should go on the list of horrible anti-American ideals. In this case, "infanticide" is right next to "gun control." Does Kerns think that most of Western Europe's attitude towards guns is morally equivalent to killing babies?

Heh - "kernado".

Make up your mind, lady. Is it "the will of the people" or "the constitution" that's under attack? You can't have it both ways.

I assume that the logic goes along of the lines of "more guns = less infanticide". Excepting of course the godordained inevitable infantisuicide.

...polygamy, child pornography, infanticide, gun control...

Doesn't the Bible support (or at least condone) the first three items on this list?

Can we go ahead and start a betting pool about which deviant sex act this woman is going to get caught performing and with whom? I would go with "Wearing two scuba suits, ball-gagged, with a dildo up the butt and a plastic cord around the neck," but a local preacher already snagged that one a few years back.

Shit, we could turn this into a board game, like Clue: "I've got... Kerns... with a goat and a strap-on... in the church basement!"

I can hardly wait until Sally Kern and Sarah Palin are two names the world has forgotten.

By Mind Over Splatter (not verified) on 12 Jul 2009 #permalink

And why are so many of the 689 support signatures she has fake/protests/duplicates/anons, when OK state has a population of about 3.6 million (... poll crash?)?

That's pretty bad. How the heck did she ever get elected?


"Kern authored a bill, which passed the Oklahoma House of Representatives in March 2008, mandating that students who espouse Young Earth creationism still receive passing grades in Earth science classes. After being passed in the house, it died in a Senate committee without reaching the floor for debate."

Wow, what a dumb idea. How the heck did that pass the Oklahoma House of Representatives? Are House people really dumb and the Senate people really smart or something? Is that how it usually works? I don't really know a lot about the finer details of how the government operates. House = dumb, Senate = smart. (I guess that's how it works.)

"I've got... Kerns... with a goat and a strap-on... in the church basement!"


Does that moron Kern not realise by imposing the values of her religion on everyone, she is impinging on the religious freedom of others? All the ACLU is doing is keeping the playing field level.

Where I live, politicians can be pretty dumb, but fortunately not that dumb.

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 12 Jul 2009 #permalink

From one of the links:

"...Conducted by Kern ally ... Flanders, the proclamation has only managed to obtain of 61 signees..."

hehe. Of course Flandiddlyaders has to be behind it.
I wonder if Rod and Todd are signatories.

Are House people really dumb and the Senate people really smart or something? Is that how it usually works? I don't really know a lot about the finer details of how the government operates. House = dumb, Senate = smart. (I guess that's how it works.)

I think it's largely to do with political costs and benefits. House representatives tend to be more numerous than senators, and their terms of office are shorter, and they're usually younger, so making a name for themselves through daring legislation is more important than playing it safe. Plus, House reps' districts are smaller and (by the law of large numbers) more likely to skew strongly to one political extreme or the other, so a House rep's body of supporters tends to be more partisan than a senator's.

So you see a lot of representatives proposing stuff a senator wouldn't dare to champion.

By Anton Mates (not verified) on 13 Jul 2009 #permalink

Can we go ahead and start a betting pool about which deviant sex act this woman is going to get caught performing and with whom?

It won't be Kerns...it'll be her husband. Anybody that repressed has to have one REALLY frustrated spouse. Like Carlin said, "Why is it that most of the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?"

From the Pledge of Allegiance to the Ten Commandments, to prayer, the ACLU is the nation's foremost censor of religious freedom. They have effectively manipulated our very founding principles to repress religious liberty.

Not even wrong.
Just WOW

Living in Florida, I can't help but look at Oklahoma and say, "whew!" Of course, we have our own crackpot state legislators, who ask, "If evolution is true, then why are there no half-monkey, half-mosquito fossils?" but I think Sally Kern is scarier.

I think she can fly her freak flag all she wants, in her own front yard but she is abusing her position and expending state funds in clear violation of the establishment clause.

Her right to say it. Our right not to listen.


When she uses our taxes to create an audience she has conferred upon us the right to tell her to shut up.

Not just with our backs, wallets and votes but to literally tell her to shut up.

Shut up Sally!

She should calculate exactly what she has spent in state funds and how much time she has spent violating the constitution on my payroll and pay that back out of the Sunday skim from her fat pasty mongoloid husband's Olivet Baptist retard hut.

"Can we go ahead and start a betting pool about which deviant sex act this woman is going to get caught performing and with whom?"

This is her husband,


He has an album out.

Deviance achieved.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 14 Jul 2009 #permalink

"Despite their claim to be great defenders of liberty, they are actually defending terrorists, molesters and murderers while attacking honest, hard-working, principled American religious bigots."


Why don't the religious loons complain about the commie ACLU when the commies are defending the religious loons? Obviously Kerns hasn't heard that a rabid bitch shouldn't bite the hand that feeds it.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 15 Jul 2009 #permalink

everytime a wingnut complains about the ACLU I send the ACLU money and if I am able I make sure to tell the wingnut "thanks for reminding me to donate, again". :)