Tulsa Mayor Hopeful: Her #1 Priority

Because Christian politicians have nothing else to worry about:

Republican mayoral candidate Anna Falling said Tuesday that putting a Christian creationism display in the Tulsa Zoo is No. 1 in importance among city issues that include violent crime, budget woes and bumpy streets.

"It's first," she said to calls of "hallelujah" at a rally outside the zoo. "If we can't come to the foundation of faith in this community, those other answers will never come. We need to first of all recognize the fact that God needs to be honored in this city."

Falling, who has founded several Christian nonprofits and is a former city councilor, also said the next mayor needs to appoint people to city boards, authorities and commissions who will "honor God."

"We will also look for people who want to characterize the origins of both man and animals in a way that honors Judeo-Christian science that proves God as the creator," she said.

Ignoring the fact that this political candidate is avoiding addressing real problems within her community in favor of religious pandering because shes a stupid bimbo incapable of formulating even putative solutions, ignoring the fact she is supporting illegal hiring practices... Where the hell did Anna Falling get the idea that science 'proves' Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior that Died on The Cross for our Sins, therefore, should be appropriately honored at the public zoo?

Who is reinforcing those views?

The crazy ass YECs, that are like, totally disconnected from reality?

Or the 'Nonono I is nut Creationist! I believe in evilution cause it proofs Jeeezus!' crowd?

'Science proves The Christian God is The Creator'.

The message is the same, no matter what level of Crazy is saying it.

The reenforcement of anti-science, religiously biased views is the same, no matter what level of Crazy is saying it.

So why are the 'pro-science' Evangelical Christian scientists saying it?

Thanks, partners. Thanks for all your help.

H/T Les and The Curmudgeon

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Oh, Jeez.

Well, I guess that shows that OKC doesn't have a monopoly on the religious crazies in this state.

"...the next mayor needs to appoint people to city boards, authorities and commissions who will 'honor God.'"

Has this woman never heard of the Establishment Clause?

Its like a Pharyngulation, divided by a million. Ur gonna get like, 20 hits, baby! Get ready for teh flood!

ERV for Mayor!

Has this woman never heard of the Establishment Clause?

First things first...ask her to spell "establishment".

Now, now, Abbie. Haven't you been paying attention to Chris and Sheril? We're not supposed to be mocking this woman's beliefs; we're supposed to coddle them and tell her we deeply respect her faith since she seems to like some kind of science.

Among other things, wish these idiots would drop the "Judeo-Christian" bullcrap. Judaism isn't christianity, and it' it rank festering arrogance for the christianists to claim there is some united front there. As it is for the Jews who buy into the crap.

As for Anna Falling - perhaps she could best honor her god by spending the rest of the campaign praying in private (as is supposed to be done by christians, I understand) to become Mayor.


I see the crazy right united in using up their crazystupidbatshit quota for this year before the year is up in a remarkably socialist planned-economy sort of way.
First, Hawking would have died if he would have been raised in Britain.
Then, the Trolling for Grades Jeeezus!
Now, this.
OMG, if it were a film or something, I'd be laughing, only it's all true true true :(

I used to think that the Judeo-Christian bit was just empty talk for the sake of faux inclusivity. Ben Goldacre showed me wrong.

(When I saw the link on his mini-blog, I thought it said "airborne rabbits" - I was well puzzled when the sound went on in the background.)


What are this woman's poll numbers like? Does she honestly have a shot? Or is she sort of a marginalized figure there the way Roy Moore is here?

Either way, scary bitch. But if she has support, she has the potential to be a lot scarier.

Nothing else for us to do now but openly declare a reality war on religion. Time to hit the trenches, folks. We've got a lot of hard work ahead of us.


What are this woman's poll numbers like? Does she honestly have a shot? Or is she sort of a marginalized figure there the way Roy Moore is here?

Either way, scary bitch. But if she has support, she has the potential to be a lot scarier.

Posted by: Optimus Primate

Just remember...Tulsa elected James Inhofe as mayor many years ago. Oklahomans will elect the village idiot as long as he is a Republican.

Just remember...Tulsa elected James Inhofe as mayor many years ago. Oklahomans will elect the village idiot as long as he is a Republican.

Posted by: Mobius

Yep, that does it. I'm officially scared now.

Tell me who she's running against so I can give them money.

I just might have to vote for this prize of a candidate. Then we can get a goofy Creationist zoo exhibit and perhaps persuade PZ to come to Tulsa and ruthlessly mock it for the whole Intertubenetz to see.


By Fallsroad (not verified) on 12 Aug 2009 #permalink

Just wanted to say 'Hi,' ERV.

I was talking to a friend today about something I joked about before, and this is apropos - just how much of science and evolution just "hadn't been invented" when I was in school. I went off to MIT in 1974 (chem major, dropped out and took up computers after a couple years); my friend, she graduated from MIT in 1959. Howz that for independent? (Her father thought she should be a housewife, not a physics major.)

Creotards can be so disingenuous, lying, or stupid it makes me sad.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 12 Aug 2009 #permalink

Keep in mind that this attempt to place creationist exhibits in the Tulsa Zoo by a former mayor was defeated a few years ago by major efforts of the Tulsa Interfaith Alliance and Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education and other groups. If necessary, the same groups and many individuals will fight this again. As of now this Republican candidate for Mayor does not appear to have much of a chance of being elected. Some history of the former Tulsa Zoo controversy is linked on the OESE web site: http://www.oklascience.org/

I think MikeTheInfidel has a point. I'm going to try to be nice from now on, as Moonbeam and Kirchelieben suggest.

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 12 Aug 2009 #permalink

"Judeo-Christian"? Maybe it's time for someone to put Ms. Falling on the spot and ask her whether she'd support Orthodox Jews over a Protestant for city government positions. Those creationist displays at the city zoo better not have anything from the phony New Testament to confuse children's minds!