The Real Housewives of OKC

I dont purposefully watch Bravos 'Real Housewives' series.

I mean, if its on, I leave it on as background noise, I dont actively turn it off, umm...

*looks shadily back and forth*

Anyway, theyve got the series in Orange County, New Jersey, New York City, Atlanta-- I think they should do a version in OKC.

You might think, "What the hell? There is a rich-people-party-scene in OKC? 'Make it rain' steaks and corn husks?"

Dont be so judgmental. Apparently there are a lot of exclusive, swanky things bored, rich, privileged, uneducated housewives can do in OKC every day, like interfering with science and science education in Oklahoma. I mean, its not just Teh Pickenz interfering with university science! Via Snopes 'Dumbest Letters to the Editor' and Oklahomans for Excellence in Science Education:

Kids deserve better

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

By Judy Wesselhoft, Moore

If you think the biggest scientific hoax is climate change or global warming, examine this: Government spends billions of dollars every year promoting evolution. The number of renowned scientists that have publicly expressed doubt concerning Darwin's theory of evolution is on the rise. The Discovery Institute's Dr. David Berlinski writes about this hoax in his book about scientific pretensions.

Since there is not a speck of evidence for Darwin's theory of evolution to explain how one species engendered another, public educators are negligent to keep teaching this in our public schools.

In fact, in "Icons of Evolution," Wells debunks arguments used in our public school textbooks to support evolution by showing they are false arguments and have no scientific value. Like the science supporting global warming is now being proved to be rooted in political correctness rather than science, the same is true of evolution science. It is more about keeping power and control than pursuing truth no matter where it leads. Our children deserve better than this!

--Judy Wesselhoft, Moore
Wesselhoft is the wife of state Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, R-Moore.

Well that ends that. I know when Im looking for opinions on cutting-edge research and how best to educate children in science, the first person I go to is the homemaker wife of a state representative, and there she is. Im sure she is an expert on this topic because she is a contact person for Oklahomans for More Gooder Science Learnin!

If you are so inclined, the email address for the editor of the Oklahoma Gazette is:

On a completely unrelated note, the Wesselhofts were behind the bullying of professors at the University of Oklahoma during The Dawkins Affair (academic freedom, lulz).

On a completely unrelated note, the Wesselhofts tried to outlaw pit bulls recently. Ironically, making pit bulls illegal is illegal in Oklahoma. After years of trying to outlaw pits, he finally wandered off and made a generic 'if your dog is off-leash and mauls someone you get 20 days in jail' law, which I am 100% fine with. Wesselhofts come to the Oklahoma anti-evolution events-- Vic wouldnt point out to me who Wesselhofts were until we were leaving. He was afraid Id maul them (but its my dog thats dangerous, lulz)

On a completely unrelated note, I currently, cannot find any records of Mizz Wesselhoft attending any university (she really must be an expert biologist!). However I do know Mista Wesselhoft did go to college. He got his degree in drama and theology... **JAZZ HANDS!!!** (IM NOT GAAAAY *sparkles*, lulz)


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lol Not really. (H/T AtBC) Some UD IDiot wrote a letter to OU pres David Boren (whos actually a pretty cool guy) bitching about how OUs Darwin Year celebrations dont have anyone from the Creationist Camp included! As an institution of learning in the state of Oklahoma, it is my hope that OU would…
NCSE is reporting that the first anti-evolution bill of 2009 will be from Oklahoma. Senate Bill 320 (document), prefiled in the Oklahoma Senate and scheduled for a first reading on February 2, 2009, is apparently the first antievolution bill of 2009. Entitled the "Scientific Education and Academic…
Well Im glad you all have been having fun while I zipped up to MO for the weekend :P Cool news for Oklahoma college students! Explain Why Darwin's Views Remain So Important Today. Deadline: 15 August 2009. Maximum Length: 500 words. Submit essays to: Open to all college…

Abbie: Thanks for this post. I have received several copies of excellent letters to he Oklahoma Gazette blasting Mrs. Wesselhofft, including an excellent one from a 7th grade science teacher in OKC. Others are encouraged to send letters. We have found in our 10-year succesful fight against legislative attempts for creationist crap that NUMBERS DO COUNT. Every expression for creationism/anti-evolution in the media needs to be refuted vigorously. The call for letters to the Gazette was included in my recent posting of Oklahoma Evolution List Serve (750 subscribers.

We encourage writers to emphasize how such attitudes have a major negative ecomic impact on recrutiment of scientists and the attraction of high-tech med-tech indutstries, as Kansas found out a few years ago. Republican legislators in OK listen (sometimes) to the economic argument.

Wow, them crazy scierntists. They're such big hoaxers! Hoax over here... hoax over there... wow...

The first comment on the Gazette site completely obliterates her letter and well worth the read. The Wesselhofts are obviously idiots for Jebus.

I might be moving out your way in the summertime. I am thinking of going back to college for a second degree and applied at OU (OU has an awesome geology department). I am still deciding but it is an option I am keeping open. If that happens my gf and I should make it more Ok Atheists meetings.

LoL'd so hard that I peed just a bit. Now I know exactly what one does with a double major in theo-drama. Other than stirring up drama for the sake of theology, you can always get elected to stand in as a representive for undereducated Okies, a strong and apparently growing demographic.

#3 Bean stalk

"OU has an awesome geology department"

Boy does it ever, it is massively funded with a terrific collection and has a hilarious history.

From Charles N. Gould first geology faculty member and head of state survey:

"So Dr. VanVleet found himself in the position of having $300.00 which must be spent. The first year he bought a tent, a dishpan and cooking outfit, a red wagon, and two horses. And these were real horses, not large but built according to specifications. Each horse had four legs, one on each corner, and a full equipment of eyes and ears. In color they did not match. One was a sort of pinkish brown, but we could not quite decide the color of the other horse. Around the campfire at night we used to argue the color of the horse. He was more or less mottled, a sort of a cross between an off-color red roan and a purple. I imagine that mauve would be the best term to apply. You will remember that Whistler says that mauve is pink trying to be purple."

Oh, BTW most of the crazy Tard these days is coming out of Moore and that spooky nest between the pentecostal freak show and ORU near Tulsa. Mega Church voting blocks are noisy now because they are running out of money to maintain their mortgages, bureaucracies and the lavish lifestyles of the higher ups.

Take heart guys, rats squeal when you corner them. Hit em with a shovel and move on.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 22 Dec 2009 #permalink

Well, Dembski's course includes a module for internet drama, so there's clearly a connection...

By Der Bruno Stroszek (not verified) on 23 Dec 2009 #permalink

Somebody needs to take the vacuum cleaner and microwave from this uppity broad.

She obviously doesn't have enough to do at home.

It's all pretty cut and dry to me. School is for learning about the basics and expounding on them (science, literature, mathematics, music, reading, etc.). Church is for exploring religious beliefs. Isn't it pretty clear that creationism is unequivocally rooted in religion? If one wants to learn about creationism, blind faith (this isn't a slam, by the way; it's purely factual that one must put blind faith in religious dogmas since there is nothing more than heresay in an old book that has been rewritten countless times with no other "evidence" to back it up), and the like, one can go to church. Keep church out of school. This woman clearly needs more to do with herself since being a good servant to her husband obviously isn't enough to keep her occupied. If I remember correctly, church and state were to be separated, and not to protect religion from government (public school is in some fashion basically a government entity since it is funded by the government), but to protect government from religion. If one chooses to believe that the earth is only a few thousand years old and that we were all magically created by an invisible man in the sky who is completely unable to err, there is a place for that: church. Go there and practice those beliefs. If one feels that being educated about what science has proven, then said person can send his or her children to church to try to get a legitimate education. It really is pathetic that uneducated people have the gall to attempt to tell others how they should be educated. Isn't that kind of like letting a dog try to teach a duck how to be a duck?

"'make it rain' steaks and corn husks".
Atheists have the best plagues.