I don't know how we're doing closing the digital divide between rich and poor, but it looks like the divide between humans and cats is getting narrower.
I'm pretty sure the moment when every cat has a webpage of his or her own is one of the early signs of the apocalypse.
More like this
by Kim Krisberg
Funny cats and disaster preparedness. It's a marriage made in Internet heaven.
"Cats are all over the Internet," says Michele Late, coordinator of the American Public Health Association's (APHA) Cat Preparedness Photo Contest. "And if cats are what people want, then marrying them…
Kitties experience pain and suffering, which turns out to be a theological problem. If a god introduced pain and death into the world because wicked ol' Eve was disobedient, why is god punishing innocent animals? It seems like a bit of a rotten move to afflict the obedient along with the…
I don't know how I feel about this new trend of giving household pets human anti-depressants. Here's James Vlahos in the Times Magazine:
The practice of prescribing medications designed for humans to animals has grown substantially over the past decade and a half, and pharmaceutical companies have…
Cats again (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Now the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is warning that cats are susceptible to H5N1:
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said today that cats should be monitored for signs of bird flu or avian…
Hey - I know a cat that has a livejournal...
No, Dogster is separate from Catster. When they comingle, that's the sign of the apocalypse.
No, no. These...
...are signs of the apocalypse. Those others, they're just kitties. Please remain calm and keep your hands away from the felines.
The difference between cats and people is that those aren't my real friends. My real friends order sushi takeout and forget to clean up afterwards.
More treats - meow!