Tangled Bank #48 is up at Aetiology. Tara gives the science iPod a shuffle and comes up with 13 tracks of grunge-y scientific goodness.
It's got a good beat and is easy to dance (or wear flannel) to!
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Hey everyone, I was busy working on my CV and on a class that I will teach soon, so I forgot to tell you that Tangled Bank (TB), issue #48, is available!
TB is hosted by blog sibling, Aetiology. Tara, the blog author, decided to design TB around the hypothetical scenario; "songs by groups that may…
Tangled Bank #48 has been posted at fellow ScienceBlogger Tara's Aetiology.
Go forth and enjoy the best the science blogosphere has to offer.
While I'm carnival barking, don't forget that the deadline for the Skeptics' Circle is tonight. The Circle is scheduled to appear at The Huge Entity (cue…
Welcome everyone to Aardvarchaeology and the 89th Tangled Bank blog carnival. Aard is strictly focused on whatever strikes the fancy of its archaeologist proprietor. The Tangled Bank provides a leafy warren for all little furry bloggers with an interest in the life sciences. We have good stuff…
A brand, spankin' new Tangled Bank has been posted over at fellow ScienceBlogger Tara's Aetiology. It's more science bloggy goodness than you can absorb in one day.
And while we're on the topic of blog carnivals, don't forget that the latest Skeptics' Circle will be appearing at Geek Counterpoint…