Tangled Bank #48 Available

The Tangled BankHey everyone, I was busy working on my CV and on a class that I will teach soon, so I forgot to tell you that Tangled Bank (TB), issue #48, is available!

TB is hosted by blog sibling, Aetiology. Tara, the blog author, decided to design TB around the hypothetical scenario; "songs by groups that may have been in my iPod in high school (if iPods had been invented then)." Tangled Bank is a celebration of the best science, nature and medical writing recently published on a blog. There is plenty of good writing there to keep you busy during your lunch breaks. Unfortunately, I was a dork and FORGOT contribute anything to this issue, which is a terrible example to set since I am hosting the next issue.

Yes, my peeps, the next issue of Tangled Bank will be published HERE on 15 March 2006 -- shortly after PZ's birdday (conspiracy theorists: my choice of this particular date was not coincidence!). So let's all get busy writing some very special essays in honor of PZ's hatchday! Links can be sent to PZ or to host@tangledbank.net.

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