Eszter Hargittai at Crooked Timber points out another silly online quiz: Web 2.0 or Star Wars character?
So of course, I had to take it.
Out of 43 possible points, I scored a 32 -- a mere point below Eszter's 33 -- leading to the diagnosis:
As your doctor, I recommend moving out of your parents' basement.
The thing is, I've not even seen 2 of the 6 Star Wars movies, and my Web 2.0 cred is even worse.
I suspect I'm just a good test-taker. (And, of course, I'm hopeful that one of my ScienceBlogs brethren or sistern will out-geek me on this one!)
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I scored a 31, and I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about that. I think sad, because I should know my web 2.0 AND my star wars. Hmm.
My score is 2. I knew Jarjar and Padme. I saw the latest SW movie, and I do not really remember the first three I saw when they first came out decades ago.
I do not know what Web 2.0 is.
34. That's just... scary.
Strangely enough I scored a 29 (on my Star Wars knowledge I guess, having seen two thirds of them as well). I'm not really convinced there is such a thing as Web 2.0.
38/43! Woo-hoo!
Oh--I probably shouldn't be proud of that, should I? I hang my head in shame.
Oh, the heck with it. Woo-hoo!
(Actually, what's really scary is that I know nothing whatsoever about Web 2.0. But my Star Wars knowledge ... well, it takes up many more of my brain cells than is probably healthy.)
Ha, 37! 0wnz0r!!1!! Just like Beggar's Canyon.
But I was just guessing.
No really, I was.
Well, yeah. If you guess randomly on a binary test, you expect a score somewhere near the middle, don't you?