I dislike anti-intellectualism and honking big cars.

I'm a total sheep. Cool kids like Chris Clarke are making subversive Chevy Tahoe commercials, and I just couldn't help myself.

I made one too

Please, before you rant up my comments, I fully believe that you are a responsible SUV driver. It's the irresponsible ones I encounter on my commute that make me angry ...

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Excellent! I love the science AND the touch of humour!

I fully believe that you are a responsible SUV driver

There's no such thing. Nothing says "selfish asshole" like owning one of those gas-guzzling look-at-MEEEEEE dick enhancers.

I like the ad; as ceresina says, it just might win. The "Ug drive Big Car!" crowd won't even realise they're being mocked.

I think I pretty much kiss the win goodbye with the suggestion that the emissions might wreck the environment. (Sure, in some circles that might be a selling point, but I think the advertising wonks at Chevy are a bit more guarded.)

I think I liked yours better because it appeals to a science geek like me :). Looks like their plan for user generated commercials back fired because the negative ads are in the limelight now.

A sidenote: The links don't work with Firefox ie the videos are not rendered. We need IE to play the videos.

Also, what makes a responsible SUV driver?

Hmm, I'm watching it with Firefox (because my feelings toward Microsoft are similar to my feelins toward honkin' big cars). I wonder if it's a plug-in issue.

As to what makes a responsible SUV driver, that's an ethical problem I haven't tackled yet. Stay tuned!