Friday Sprog Blogging: dinosaur sing-a-long!

After some discussion with the younger Free-Ride offspring, I discovered that she does not know one dinosaur or dinosaur-related song; she knows three.

And, because I asked nicely, now so do I.

Terry pterodactyl,
Bertha brontosaurus,
Trini the triceratops,
Stanley stegosaurus.

Tom tyrannosaurus,
He is carniVORous,
Sing it one more time and
Join in the chorus.


Where did all the dinosaurs go?
I wish they were still around.
Where did all the dinosaurs go?
The answer can't be found.

Although some theories do make sense,
Scientists don't agree
About what caused this mystery.
It's the dinosaur catastrophe.


When I grow up I want to be
Something very interesting.
The job that I do
Will help a lot of people
And I'll love the job that I do.

Each day will be adventurous
And I'll strive to learn a lot.
Share what I know
And my knowledge will grow.
It's the perfect, perfect job.


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i was just singing this song today!!! i am now 40 yrs old, but i was thinking back to 1st grade!!!! :)

Hmmm. Your five-year-old sounds a LOT like my about-to-turn-five daughter, who says she plans to be a paleontologist. But I don't think she knows these songs. She would certainly like them! If only I knew the tunes...could you hum them for us? :-)

I came to your site via a Google search for confirmation of the existence of a song that has haunted me for 32 years. Since Kindergarten, some recess of my brain has been continually devoted to shrieking, over and over again, "TERRY Pterodactyl, BERTHA Brontosaurus, etc." Thanks to you, I know I didn't hallucinate the song.

By Christopher Bruce (not verified) on 30 Aug 2006 #permalink

I was thrilled to find the lyrics to this song on this site. My mom ran a preschool when I was growing up, and she had a cassette tape of dinosaur songs that she got from Troll Book Club. This song was on it. My three year old daughter is now obsessed with dinosaurs and I'm trying to find a copy of this tape for her, but I can't find the name of it or the artist(s) who made it. Does anyone know???

By andrea decker (not verified) on 06 Oct 2006 #permalink

The name of the tape is Our Dinosaur Friends.
Some of the songs are: My Name is Stegasaurus, Tyrranosaurus Rex is a Very Mean King and Pterodactyl, Pterodactyl. I'm sorry to say I don't know the artist. I would also love to get my hands on that tape. I've been looking for it for years. One of my day care children took it home and never brought it back. If anyone has more information, please forward it to me. Thanks

By Cynthia Tanguay (not verified) on 21 May 2007 #permalink

Does anyone know the song as beginning like this:

Now you know all our dinosaur friends
So big and tall, they make teachers look small
They're not here, so there's nothign to fear
so sing the song, and be of good cheer...
Terry pterodactyl, Bertha brontosaurus (etc.)

My sister and I were reminiscing about it, but we're the only ones of our circle of friends who reacall the song at all.

By Je'Von Calhoun (not verified) on 12 Oct 2007 #permalink

omg i can't believe someone else remembers these songs! i recalled them for the first time since my own childhood just this year, since i had a baby and he loves this one book about dinosaurs. thanks for bringing back memories... the one song i can't seem to find is the one that starts "triceratops has three long horns... something something something and a frill where his neck is".... any ideas? or does anyone remember the full lyrics?

We have doing these songs for many years with our classes in second grade and would like to find a better copy of the songs. Does anyone know where we can find the CD or downloads for the music?

I was just curious if you know how to find the CD that has the Terry Pterodatcyl song on it? Any ideas?

Ok. I have been looking for a book and tape from an unknown artist. My copies were water damaged. A coworker introduced it to me years and years ago. It goes something like this: " A long time ago in a scary place, there might have been a dinosaur. I wish that I could hear him. I know he had a wonderful roar. He was covered in scale after beautiful scale." That is all I can remember. HELP!!

I, too, have been searching to find a CD or downloadable version of the Terry Pterodatcyl song. I would love if anyone has any details. Please contact me at if you have any info. Thanks!

I remember the dinosaur song going, "Tom Tyranosaurus, he is carnivorous, THAT WAS LOTS OF FUN, SO sing another chorus"

Triceratops went something like, "Triceratops with three long horns / a beak for a mouth and / a frill where his neck is. Triceratops with four big legs / and a tail in back."

I had the LP growing up as a kid, but in recent years I asked my mom where it went; and she had sold it in a garage sale. :(

Some more that come to mind:

Pteradactyl, pteradactyl
What are you? What are you?
I'm a flying reptile, older than a crocodile
Birds can fly, so I can I

Pteradactyl, pteradactyl
Where are you? Where are you?
Flying over treetops...

I'd like to be the biggest dinosaur
I'm not, but I can fly and and I like it more...

Tyranosaurus Rex was a very mean king,
If it wasn't for him, we'd have a happy ending

Brontosaurus means thunder lizard,
So big and slow that our land soon grew tired
Doesn't eat meat, doesn't eat fish
Leaves and plants are his favorite dish
Not very smart, not very quick
Not nearly as wise as our friend Moby Dick

If any of us find this record, please torrent it so everyone can enjoy it again and others can discover it for the first time :) IIRC, this was 1 of 2 or 3 other dinosaur friend records as well.

Thanks for posting that link, Jonathan. I was about to give up on ever trying to find those songs when I tried googling the lyrics I remember one last time. It's been 20 years since I listened to those in Kindergarten.

google Twin Sisters, Songs that teach: Dinosaurs This has the song Where Did All The Dinosaurs Go

i was just singing this song today!!! i am now 40 yrs old, but i was thinking back to 1st grade!!!! :)