Advanced Nature Study (now with splicing!)

Younger offspring did not, to my knowledge, watch of listen to the State of the Union address wherein President Bush called for legislation prohibiting the creation of human-animal hybrids. Indeed, it's not even clear that this wee beastie has any human DNA in it. (With recessive traits, it can be hard to tell.) Yet it's hard not to think this specimen is treading on ethically dangerous ground:


Younger offspring's explanation of this image, plus an image from Elder offspring that calls out for your interpretation, below the fold.

According to younger offspring:

It's part cow and part rooster; it's a MOOSTER. In the morning it says, "Cock-a-doodle-MOO! Cock-a-doodle-MOO!"

In contrast to the "mooster", there seems to be at least good circumstatial evidence that the bovines pictured below are "manimals" of some sort. But what are they doing?


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I think that the second picture shows a matriach forcing an underling to dance for the prospect of food (in this case, a fish).

Not unlike a certain Dilbert cartoon in which the boss made someone dance for their paycheck.

The feminist implications of having the boss be depicted as so clearly female are probably best left to someone who understands the bovine manimal culture and its inherent power dynamics more completely.

I am milking my brain for possibilities, but the second drawing is udderly confusing. Let me ruminate some more.

These are obviously not chimera's, but self-aware cow-bots, as evidenced by the gun on the extendable armature coming from the compartment in the large cow-bot's throax.

It is obviously robbing the small cowbot, undoubtedly to purchase more upgrades to augment the alligator-style tail and the giant scorpion stinger.