Overzealous spam filter gobbles legitimate comments, posts.

So, because of assorted commenting issues across the ScienceBlogs galaxy, our tech gurus installed a new spam filter. And apparently, it's quite the enthusiastic little spam filter. Word is that it has swallowed a number of legitimate comments (known with some certainty to be legitimate because they were composed by the blog owners). And blog posts (which I would have thought, as an outsider to the wonderful world of software architecture, were presumptively not spam).

Possibly, particular words are triggering the activation of the spam filter's voracious jaws. I can't type them here (because then this post goes POOF!), but for the Pig Latin scholars in the audience, the suspected triggers are ostitution-pray and ambling-gay. Grab a thesaurus and find good synonyms if you need them.

In any case, should you attempt to post a comment here that seems not ever to appear, send me an email to let me know and I'll try to extract it from the spam filter's jaws. (On the other blogs, emailing the blogger about missing comments is probably fine.)

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By John Wilkins (not verified) on 10 Jul 2006 #permalink