Online chemistry resources from the Journal of Chemical Education.

Another dispatch from the BCCE:

The Journal of Chemical Education (or J Chem Ed, as we call it in the biz), is, in fact, targeted to an audience of chemical educators. Its website has the online version of the journal, plus some resources for teachers of chemistry at the ChemEd Resource Shelf. If the full array is too overwhelming, you can check out Hal's Picks monthly recommendations for what to read. You may be surprised at how many of the picks are not officially chemistry (or even science) books, but each of them has some interesting, useful, or funny connection to matters scientific.

Maybe books aren't your thing. How about molecules? Check out the Featured Molecule, images of molecules of note from each month's J Chem Ed. And, they're interactive.

Speaking of interactive ... doing chemistry experiments at home isn't always a great idea, but maybe you'd like to relive the magic -- or even locate an experiment that you can safely conduct without getting the environmental watchdogs on your case. Check out Project Chemlab, a searchable database of experiments, including this one with glue. And, you might enjoy reading through the DigiDemos, an online collection of "Tested Demonstrations" with helpful notes on doing them without killing anyone (or, in the case of some of the old school Tested Demonstrations, on not doing them because they're no longer considered safe enough -- ah, the old days!).

The J Chem Ed site also has some brief biographies of women and minority chemists, and, naturally, reviews (in cooperation with Merlot) of online resources.

There's good stuff here. Enjoy it.

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hi janet,

this is off topic, but are you going to comment again on the Sames/Sezen scandal? i hear there are now 7 papers retracted as a result of this debacle.

By femalechemist (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink