The inaugural edition of Scientiae, the new women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics blog carnival, has been posted at Rants of a Feminist Engineer. Skookumchick has assembled an impressive array of posts dealing with joys as well as frustrations -- go check it out!
Also, the 55th Skeptics' Circle is up at The Second Sight, and the skeptics think they have your number. (You don't believe me? Click on the link and find out for yourself!)
Bonus after the jump: See what kind of frog I am.

So ugly, it's cute! Budgett's Frogs, named after the explorer who discovered them, are large carnivorous South American frogs. They can grow to be 5 and a a half inches in size, but since they aren't very active they can be kept in a small 10 gallon aquarium. Their tank should be kept around 86*F and they cannot be housed with other animals because they will try to eat anything that moves!
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It's my great pleasure to congratulate Skookumchick (Rants of a Feminist Engineer) and the world of women bloggers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) on the first anniversary of their blog carnival, Scientiae. With the theme of "renewal," I'll leave it to Skookum to…
When I partook of this last year, I thought it was a one time thing. But by golly, John Lynch seems to have established this meme as an annual tradition, and I kind of like traditions.
The rule: post the first sentence of the first post for each month.
January: Don't update your blog for a few…
Skookumchick has declared a new blog carnival, Scientiae, organized around the broad topic of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (or STEM, for those who like acronyms). She's soliciting posts that fall under one or more of the following:
stories about being a woman in STEM…
Here's my take on the top 10 women in science stories of 2007. It's highly biased toward blogospheric developments. Many thanks to skookumchick, Tara, Pat, and Karen for helping me compile items for inclusion on this list.
10. Microbiologist Rita Colwell received the National Medal of Science.…
Me, too. I did NOT think we were that much alike, but given the either-or-questions, I guess we fall into the same category.
Has anyone (you know) come up with a different type?