I fell prey to another silly internet quiz, which deigned to tell me which science I am.
It wasn't chemistry, but ...

What Science are You?

You are Physics! You're quirky and you set yourself on fire alot. You're really really into your science. I had a physics teacher who singed his eyebrows off...twice. Man. You're a danger to yourself and others, but mostly to yourself. It's great that you're so caught up in your science because it is way awesome. Oh, yeah... the picture. I guess particle physics falls into your domain. and physics people love stick figures.
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Sure, I was trained as a physical chemist, but given the serious differences between physical chemistry and chemical physics, my falling on the physics side of the disciplinary boundary may be a problem at the next chemistry shindig.
(Possibly the quiz is faulty, though. Everyone knows chemists are the most committed pyromaniacs.)
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Jusat cause I like beer a lot should not make me a rock basher...
Hehe. I'm genetics...
Definitely off. I (an analytical chemist) also got "physics".
"Possibly the quiz is faulty, though. Everyone knows chemists are the most committed pyromaniacs."
I agree. I play with plasmas all day.
I took the quiz and got 'genetics' which is pretty darn close. Are you sure you're not a physicist?
It's an easy "psych" for Astro-types, since so few options pertain. But Elvis as the M-I-T-Moon? Yikes! I thought we had aged out of "THE Demographic".
Would that I were still doing astronomy, but I gotta pay the bills.
So the question YOU must ask your self is:
Is philosophy closer to chemistry or to physics?
Since YOU chose to forsake chem for philosophy, the test may actually be providing insight into your druthers.
Physics, maybe that is why I burned out in high school, I was always smarter than the teachers ;-)
If you thought the Big Bang was great, wait 'til the tiny collaps.
It was way to easy to pick the "correct" answers for my field.