Apparently Blake Stacey is pitching a movie about the Dover trial and featuring, as central characters, some luminaries from ScienceBlogs. There's sort of a Star Trek: The Original Series meets Star Trek: The Next Generation meets other iconic exemplars of science fiction and action genres vibe in the plot outline and casting ideas. At least, so far.
Me, I figured a ScienceBlogs movie might run more along the lines of All the President's Men meets This is Spinal Tap. Although there would definitely be stuff blowing up.
On the off chance that a studio exec is reading, this is your chance to deliver (in the comments) your elevator pitch for a ScienceBlogs movie. Give us the plot overview and casting suggestions for the major roles.
(I'm guessing we may see a ScienceBlogs graphic novel first, but I've been wrong before.)
Hat tip to Chris Rowan and Bora.
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Me, I figured a ScienceBlogs movie might run more along the lines of All the President's Men meets This is Spinal Tap.
With the classic line: "It's a fine line between smart and criminal."
Elevator pitch: Everyone has their own movie where they push their favorite agenda by giving a Powerpoint on their topic. ... I got a feeling that this might just work.
Being PZ Myers.
Harry Potter and the Disorder of the Creos.