links for 2009-03-13


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I spent some time today chatting with Sam Bayard of the Citizen Media Law Project. It occurred to me that some of you who are newer to blogging might not know they have an invaluable database of articles on legal issues related to online publishing - a good resource to bookmark! (See, for example…
Inactive kids face 6-fold risk of heart disease by teen years, study finds Correlation or causation? (tags: education medicine US social-science science news) Reassigned Time: PSEUDONYMITY is not Anonymity, duh "Pseudonymity is not about being untraceable but rather about taking on a traceable…
slacktivist: Killing in the name of "In 1973, most evangelicals regarded opposition to abortion as a Catholic Thing -- and therefore vaguely suspect, as though it might lead to praying to Mary or something. But throughout the 1970s and into the '80s, that changed. The person most responsible for…
What they clearly lack in substance, they attempt to make up for in style, but global warming denialists certainly aren't winning any points for class. In a September 25th speech in the Senate, Crazy Ol' James Inhofe--who once called global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the…

The importance is not know/to know which is who(which) (when you buy a newspaper in a bookshop / kiosk, you say 'hello', you pay and you leave. Bar(helm). We are not going to ask you whom you are and where you live. It is anonymous. Similar to speak in a room of coffee with persons that you do not know and which(who) do not know you.
Personally, I post(show) my e-mail address and a site on which I am Personally, I post(show) my e-mail address and a site on which I am registered. (At present, ' Myspace is in indisposition ' for operations of maintenance).
It is true as well as I was made the echo of scientists about 'global warming'. I have no comment. Bizarre.
( My account had been deleted(eliminated) in October, 2008).
It is true that those who delete(eliminate), do not quote their sources(springs).