A reminder.

"Hey, buddy! My eyes are up here!"


Just a quick reminder that the voting is still open for the 3 Quarks Daily contest for the best science blogging of the past year.

My post How does salt melt snails? currently has 15 votes, which is not enough to push it into the top-20 vote-getters and move it on to the judging round..

If you haven't voted yet, you still can (until June 8, midnight Eastern time). How about showing a little love for my scientific explanation of gastropod destruction?

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but your shell is so hypnotic, with it's swirls...

There's far too much stalk showing. The snail SHOULD cover em up, now. I'm uncomfortable with this but can't stop looking away. ok, I snuck a little peek, but I'm not staring, not really, not now at least. OH NO. Hell! hey look, it's pointing those things right at me! I'm being sexually harrassed! have you no shame, snail? PUT THOSE THINGS AWAY.

TY for the LOL!

By stickypaws (not verified) on 06 Jun 2009 #permalink

Even if you don't make it to the next round (and even if you do), perhaps you would approve use of your image for t-shirts, etc and sell them on CafePress or similar to support some thing appropriate?!

Clicked on the post because I thought it was related to a post of Isis' (didn't turn pictures on until I hit the full post). Definitely voting on that one. Snail is hypnotic!

By Katherine (not verified) on 09 Jun 2009 #permalink

Aw too late to vote.

By Katherine (not verified) on 09 Jun 2009 #permalink