Continuing internet education.

Yo dawg! This is a soccer tournament weekend for the Free-Rides. (First game: 8:00 AM. Time of departure from Casa Free-Ride: 6:30 AM. Zombification complete!)

At the moment, the younger offspring and I are chilling before the younger offspring's team's second game; the younger offspring is watching Fred videos, while I am filling in gaps in my knowledge with the help of Know Your Meme.

Know Your Meme is a good way to catch up on memes that are currently part of the collective memory of the internets, but which might have peaked before some of us Luddites were sufficiently plugged in to be paying attention. And the videos explaining them do a nice job placing the memes in a larger cultural context and providing some analysis of why they caught on.

Here's an episode that had me and my better half giggling last night:

Be sure to stay near the pause button -- some of the images go by quickly, and you're going to want to be able to read the captions. (The last one is our favorite.)

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