Friday Sprog Blogging: questions about Santa.

Given the extent and urgency of my current grading responsibilities, the sprogs and I have not had occasion this week for any extended conversations about matters strictly scientific, but there has been some chatter about Santa Claus:

Younger offspring: What happens if I stay awake on Christmas eve and see Santa?

Dr. Free-Ride: I don't know. I've always heard that he's really shy, and he doesn't like to be observed while he works.

Younger offspring: But is he really?

Dr. Free-Ride: I can just tell you what I've been told. I have no firsthand information about Santa's personality and preferences.

Elder offspring: On Christmas eve, I'd like to have some more of that cake like we had at [younger offspring]'s soccer party.

Younger offspring: Why?

Elder offspring: Do you remember how it kept me up all night?

Younger offspring: But if you stay awake, you might see Santa, and then maybe he'll be mad or embarrassed and just leave and stop bringing Christmas presents!

Elder offspring: I don't want to see Santa. I want to pet the reindeer.

Dr. Free-Ride: I have a strong suspicion that the reindeer might be just as shy of people as Santa is.

Younger offspring: Does Santa really like cookies?

Dr. Free-Ride: What I know is that the cookies we leave out on Christmas eve have usually been eaten by morning.

Elder offspring: Maybe he's just being polite.

Younger offspring: People say he's fat, but maybe he's not. He does drink a lot of milk.

Dr. Free-Ride: I've never put him on a scale.

Younger offspring: This year, when we leave out carrots for the reindeer, I want to leave out ranch dressing, too.

Dr. Free-Ride: I'm pretty sure that ranch dressing would not be good for a reindeer to eat. It might even cause diarrhea.

Elder offspring: It would be very bad for flying reindeer to have diarrhea.

Younger offspring: OK, we won't leave out ranch dressing for the reindeer.

* * * * *

When the grading is done and the youngsters are busy with other things, I will have a grown-ups only post on a couple of Santa-related issues with ethical dimensions that have been raised elsewhere in the internets. Stay tuned!

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