Posting Format

I'm still getting used to the Movable Type interface that ScienceBlogs is using (it's a bit different than Blogger), and some of the changes may be noticible to you, my readers. For one, I've been dividing my posts into the "Entry Body" (which you can read on the evolgen front page) and the "Extended Entry" (which you must click "Read on" in order to see). I am doing this so that the front page is not filled up with a particularly long entry, and it's easier to scan for an individual entry. The drawback of this is that only the Entry Body makes it into the RSS feed, which means you can no longer read all of evolgen through a newsreader. If anyone more familiar with Movable Type than I knows how I can still divide the posts into Entry Body and Extended entry yet still have the entire post in the site feed, please let me know in the comments.


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