The Flock of Dodos US Tour

Randy Olson has been taking his film Flock of Dodos around the United States, showing free screenings at a bunch of universities. The list of places he's visited reads like the lyrics to a Johnny Cash song: Kansas City, Boston, New Haven, Houston. . . (if you have more places to add to the list, put them in the comments). But the show has skipped the largest university in one of the big anti-evolution states, Pennsylvania. It would be awesome if they could schedule a visit to Penn State, where there is some interest in evolution. What do I have to do to get a screening in Central Pennsylvania?

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*N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences /Downtown Raleigh/ **Thursday, January 18 "Flock of Dodos" screening with filmmaker, Randy Olson 7:00 p.m. Museum Auditorium Free *Filmmaker and Evolutionary Ecologist , Dr. Randy Olson, presents his new film */Flock of Dodos/*: /*The Evolution / Intelligent…
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