Some judges have no sense of humour

Here's a nasty case of a child custody case that has been fought over whether or not the mother's involvement in the Church of the Subgenius makes her an unfit mother. The Church is of course a parody on organised evangelical religion (save yourself for eternal slackness! Justify your sins!). It appears that parodying religion is sufficient cause to have a knockdown dragout court case on child custody in America these days.

Unfortunately, the fact that the judge (appropriately named "Judge Punch" - is there a Judge Judy nearby?) called her a "pervert," "mentally ill," "lying," and a participant in "sex orgies" meant that she had to come up with the money for a legal team to fight the case, now up to about $50,000. Her ex is using a friend at no charge.

And Americans wonder why we forners think they are insane...


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A lot of judges are morons, just like there are lot of morons in the general population, and this is one good example. Incidentally, I seriously doubt that the U.S. has a monopoly on idiot judges. (Not that they're judges, but note that the Answers in Genesis group was founded in Australia.) ;-)

I am reminded of the comment of Senator Roman Hruska, who, in commenting to reporters about the charge that G. Harrold Carswell, Nixon's selection for the Supreme Court, was "mediocre":

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How can the judge keep a straight face while taking custody away from an ordained minister (in the Church of the SubGenius, 'tis true) and giving it to someone with a girlfriend called "Randy Butz"?

By Robin Levett (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink

This judge needs to face some serious legal and/or career consequences for his abuse of power, his improper courtroom conduct, his blatant and willing violation of the mother's First Amendment rights and his imposition of his own religious bigotry on the legal matters at hand. And it should go without saying that the child's father needs a hefty fine or jail time for perjury. What are the chances he'll be made to pay Bevilacqua's legal fees when this is all said and done?

By Michael Wells (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink

...note that the Answers in Genesis group was founded in Australia

Yes, but we at least quickly realised our mistake and sent it packing to a penal colony...

Yes, but we at least quickly realised our mistake and sent it packing to a penal colony...

Was that you? I thought it was the curse of Ham. Badoom-sha!