Paramount flicks Cruise... what took so long?

Paramount studios, that bastion of sensible and intelligent divertisements, has cut ties with Scientologist moron Tom Cruise, taking its lead from Nicole Kidman. Now, ordinarily what an idiot member of a stupid religion does or has done to him would be of no interest to this blog, but this is the guy who told everyone on Oprah that using drugs to deal with severe mental problems was wrong. Given that he knows stuff-all about medicine, neurology or how to shop for groceries, that's just dumb, of course, but for some unfathomable reason, the public seems to think that the ideas of someone who has no ideas or personality of their own and has to borrow them from scriptwriters and directors, really means something. And so he probably did enormous harm to thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people around the world. Not quite in the league of the HIV denying South African government, but in the same general ballpark.

I never thought I'd admire a commercial decision taken by a film conglomerate...


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