We are SCARY here in Aus!

Grace, of Will and Grace refuses to swim in Australian waters for a miniseries she (sorry, Debra Messing, the actor) is filming here. She's freaking out because of how Irwin died.

It's OK GraceDebra. You will ... probably ... survive the experience. Despite our having a multitude of poisonous snakes, spiders, mammals, octopuses, jellyfish and the odd shark here or there, oddly enough very few Australians die in the water apart from by drowning.

We like to scare you visiting folk, and one of our favourite stories is the drop bear, but actually it's pretty safe here if you don't camp under a gum tree (they drop branches) or sleep in a four wheel drive (SUV, to you) track on the beach.

I'd be more worried about being in Sydney. Scary shit happens there... gays, and what not.


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