Some time back I added a little piece of conceptual mapping to the Talk.Origins Archive entitled "So you want to be an anti-Darwinian?" Now Laurent Penet has (I trust faithfully - my French is non-existent, as I found out in Paris) turned it into a French essay, along with Mark Isaak's Bombadier Beetle essay (English version here). It's amazing how much more important my own words look in French. Thanks to Laurent - now I can die happy, having been translated into at least one language other than English (and believe me, translating the contents of my head into English is no small task).
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Well, John, could you imagine how it feels when you realize somebody already wrote what you were aiming to?
But finally it spared me to translate the contents of my head into any language, since I only had to translate from English into French. By the way you did something much more exhaustive than what I would have been able...
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