Funny Slogan of the Week


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This is from the ACT UP protest against Joint Chief of Staff General Pace's bigoted remarks: Not exactly a position paper, but if you're not laughing, you need a humor transplant.
More authoritarian bills are working their way through congress. They simply have no restraint anymore, and are rushing hell-bent to create a police state. Under a GOP-backed bill expected to sail through the House of Representatives, the Internal Revenue Service would be forced to police how…
A few days ago, General Pace tried to back the Don't Ask, Don't Tell program, claiming that homosexuality is immoral, like adultery. In fact, Don't Ask, Don't Tell is immoral, and has sapped our military of soldiers with vital skills. Anyway. Senator Brownback came out in favor of Pace’s…
Tim Blair's blog is notorious because commenters are banned merely for disagreeing with him. However, in this post, Blair accuses Antony Loewenstein of cowardice because Loewenstein would not debate with an abusive phone caller. Blair refuses to accept Loewenstein's stated reason ("He wants to…

I was rather surprised this morning when listening to a discussion on this week with George Stephanopoulos to hear right wing columnist George Will come out in favor of gays in the military. Occasionally, even Will surprises one.