Cleesing the God Gene

If I weren't such a reductionist mechanist, I'd probably find this very very funny. And what Cleese does to things deserves its own verb.

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By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh my,

John,thanks for that,that was so hilarious,I now have 31 more Cleese podcasts to watch !

Don't worry, John. We have now developed a pill that can help you combat reductionist mechanist syndrome.

We don't know how it works, though.

to cleesify:verb: to hold forth humorously on a subject in a pompous, pseudo-intellectual and slightly silly manner
cleesification:noun: the result of cleesifying
origin: derived from the surname of legendary English humorist, actor, author and silly person John Cleese.

Luckily, I have the "Even though I'm a reductionist mechanist I still find jokes making fun of reductionist mechanists funny" gene. :D

He is the Messiah, and I should know; I've followed a few!

Having recently met Rob Buckman, I have a John Cleese number of 2. I think that's worth boasting about (I mean, it's way better than having George W. Bush number of 2, which I also have).