The real cause of the economic crisis: AC/DC

The Grauniad has a front page item pinpointing the real cause of the economic crises of the part 30 years: the Australian/British group, AC/DC, or Acker-dacker as we call them here. Because when pants hems move up, the FTSE moves down, you know...

I always knew Australia was the root cause of the decline of the west.


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"Hell's Bells, they're draggin' you down..." Gotta love the gong and that primal screaming. Only Whole Lotta Love does it better.

Decline of the west, indeed. AC/DC did release their latest CD only through Wal-Mart here, and Wal-Mart is evil.

My husband, who likes the band, said that it is a good thing he is not inspired to buy this latest album; we never (really never, ever) shop at Walmart. Have never spent $.01 there.

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink

Isn't WM at the heart of the mall voting thing?

All those votes going... They are being couynted. Aren't they?