I was very pleased to receive today my copy of this book:
A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, edited by A. Tucker. Chichester UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
I got it because on pp 405-415 is my essay "Darwin", which I am rather proud of. I have long thought that Darwin as a philosopher of history is undervalued, but much more interesting than Hegel or Marx. Anyway, if you don't tell anyone, I have made a rough scan available here, although you really ought to make your library buy a copy.
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It all seems so much clearer to me now. I really learned a great deal from this. Don't tell anyone, but I am going to print a copy of this and save it.
Thanks, John.
Does the book cost $8,500.00? If not, how can it be any good?
But there's nothing about silicon in it.
Did you lose the original file?