Aut felis

Is your cat plotting to kill you?


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Ahhh You have exposed me to Haiku AND there is a 100% chnace my cat is trying to kill me.
Recent scars on my arms, following me to the shopping centre to locate the source of 'fish in a baggie', and occasionally waking up because he has laid down on my face aside I would never have suspected...
hang on...

You have to sign up to get the results. Fuck that. You don't force me to do something I don't want to do. Those pricks can go dine on goose shit.

Your signup problems solved here:

I was able to finish the poll using a signup I found there.
Username: joeschmo23
Password: bugmenot

This site comes in handy frequently.

There is an 87% chance my cat is planning to kill me, but I cheated and answered using a composite of 3 cats.

By Susan Silberstein (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

Yeeouch! Your cat's a piker compared to Sammi at 93%.

And one doesn't have to sign up with that matchmaking service. There's a nearly invisible "skip this signup and see your results" link in the lower-right quadrant.

As my cat threatens me, there is a number less than 100%?

By Jaime A. Headden (not verified) on 16 Nov 2008 #permalink

I'm feeling rather smug. I seem to be doing something right. The probability that my cat is plotting to kill me is smaller than the probability that your cat is plotting to kill you.

By Elliott Grasett (not verified) on 18 Nov 2008 #permalink

It's not the cat that will kill me, if precedent is anything to go by - it's kidney stones. Although in my place it may be my son, either deliberately or inadvertently.