RETHINKING DEMOCRATIC STRATEGY: New Online Journal Targets Ideas for Long Term Political Success

I've been meaning to start blogging about this site launched last week, and as it turns out, I just received this press release via email. I am sure I will be coming back to the site with posts this week and in coming months. Definitely a new relevant resource on framing to check out. Below is the press release.


Strategists Stan Greenberg, Ruy Teixeira, and Bill Galston launch

Washington, DC. On June 19, 2006 Democratic strategists Stan Greenberg, Ruy Teixeira, and Bill Galston launched The Democratic Strategist (, a new online strategy publication for Democrats.

The Democratic Strategist is a new web-based magazine focused on developing political strategies to achieve a sustainable Democratic majority. "The Strategist" will create a forum for the serious, ongoing discussion of long-term political strategy, including views from all sectors of the Democratic community.

"Democrats must begin to develop political strategies that look beyond the standard two- and four-year time horizons set by the American electoral calendar", said co-founder Ruy Teixeira, adding "Right now there is no publication that brings together the latest solid research on public attitudes and social trends with extended, ongoing discussion of long-range Democratic political strategy. We see The Democratic Strategist as the place where these two currents can meet."

The first edition of The Democratic Strategist features articles from contributing authors Donna Brazile, John Wilhelm, Jerome Armstrong, Will Marshall, Bob Borosage, Harold Meyerson, Elaine Kamarck, and Ken Baer and Andrei Cherny.

For more information, visit

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