Millionth comment party in Sydney on 17th September

Update: Please RSVP on Facebook if possible.

Tim Lambert from Deltoid has organised a ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Sydney. I'll be there as well (albeit probably looking a little frazzled and well in need of a beer, as I move to the UK on the following Monday!).

Here's what Sydney readers need to know:

Why? Because ScienceBlogs is rapidly approaching one million comments (check the the top right of your screen for the count-up to M-Day)

When: 7pm, Wednesday 17th September

Where: The Attic Bar of the Arthouse Hotel (out the back door and up the stairs on the outside of the hotel), a very short walk from Town Hall station:

View Larger Map

There will be a ScienceBlogs mug on our table:


Readers in other cities should check to see if there's a party near you.

Subscribe to Genetic Future.


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