ScienceBlogs party in Sydney

Well, everyone's doing it, so let's have a ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Sydney. Daniel MacArthur of Genetic Future might be able to come, so there could be two bloggers from SceinceBlogs there. We're looking at some time between 14 and 21 September. If you have any suggestions or preferences for a time or place, leave a comment or drop me an email.

Update: We've decided on Wed 17th from 7pm at the Arthouse Hotel. RSVP here.

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Wherever it goes off it needs to be handy for public transport as I'll be damned if I'll drive there and not get to have a few beers with the ScienceBlogs crowd!

Somewhere within striking distance of Central or Town Hall then? near UTS?

Or how about the Glasgow Arms opposite the Powerhouse? That's sciencey. Ish.

I'm very sceptical about this so-called party. I suppose daring to question the new religion of scienceblogsogenic parties makes me some kind of heretic.

I mean, there have always been parties, well before scienceblogs. Aren't we being just a bit arrogant claiming this party will be scienceblogsogenic?

There was a party in my suburb only last week. It had nothing to do with scienceblogs. It was part of the natural variation in party frequency that's been going on for millennia.

Have you noticed there's this great big hot thing in the sky called the sun, and when it goes down it's party time? There's your causation.

So how can you go around claiming this one on Wednesday will be caused by scienceblogs?

Come on, where's the proof?

The proof is in the drinking. In vino veritas.