Evolution on the day of the Lord

Science & Spirit has a long piece that reports on the outreach toward some churches on the part of anti-Creationist activists.

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We the undersigned, Christian clergy from many different traditions, believe that the timeless truths of the Bible and the discoveries of modern science may comfortably coexist,

Well sure, if you conveniently ignore many of the timeless "truths" of the Bible.

I almost have more respect for the squish-headed fundies than for these people who think that Bronze-Age myth does not contadict what we know today.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

I almost have more respect for the squish-headed fundies than for these people who think that Bronze-Age myth does not contadict what we know today.

this is a complicated question you know, i know many atheists who rather respect fundamentalists to some extent because they feel fundamentalists are 'keeping it real.' as an atheist who once felt this way, i have to say to some extent we atheists are a bit orthogonal to what liberal religionists and practice and how they view the world. i will perhaps post on it later....

"to what liberal religionists and practice and how they view the world."

Generally, I have no problem with liberal religionists who take much of the Bible as metaphore and an understandably ignorant people's explanation of how they saw the world and their place in it.

But it was the phrase, "Timeless Truths of the Bible" that set me off. That sounds like someone who picks and chooses, ignoring much that is just outright false.

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

But it was the phrase, "Timeless Truths of the Bible" that set me off. That sounds like someone who picks and chooses, ignoring much that is just outright false.

the short answer is that yes, liberal religionists pick and choose, but so do conservative "literalists." the difference is that liberals will admit that they pick & choose while conservatives will aver that they take the bible for what it is.

I think you miss the point about "Timeless Truths" as used in this context. My impression is that what the liberal religionists are referring to here is the "timeless truths" about the human condition, human nature, and our interpersonal relationships. Remember, they are trying to draw the distinction between a mere "description" of life (as science deals with) and the "meaning" of life (as religion deals with). They're talking moral "truths" here, not scientific truths. Lighten up a bit. They're trying to help. ;-)

>>>>>"the difference is that liberals will admit that they pick & choose while conservatives will aver that they take the bible for what it is."
True...and maybe not so true. I've found that conservatives who take the Bible 'as is' have very seldom actually read the thing. And when you point out to them, verse for verse, the incredible things that they claim they believe, they are more apt to be shocked and swayed than a liberal who will just laugh it off and continue clinging to the humanistic, enlightened god of his own creation.

Ah hell, I know they are trying to help and I SHOULD lighten up. I have family members in all three camps and they are all wonderful people. And apart from me, the raging atheists in my family truly think that Rush Limbaugh is some kind of gift to humanity! Aaaaarrgh!

It only goes to show that it doesn't go to show :-)

By Ick of the East (not verified) on 10 Feb 2006 #permalink

I would just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone here a happy Darwin Day for tomorrow.

As you all probably know, February 12th, 1809 was the Birthday of Charles Darwin. This is the day that is now celebrated by fans and admirers around the world as Darwin Day.


2009 will be the 200th anniversary of his birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On The Origin Of Species.