John Hawks on the radio

You want to know what John Hawks sounds like? He'll be on Radio Open Source tomorrow (there should be a web feed). I talked to David Miller about getting John on the show before he became famous in Slate, so I am going to take a little credit for this. John and Spencer Wells will be "facing off." John, can you ask Spencer to make his email address more accessible? I'm tired of people emailing me and asking about ways to contact him!

Update: John was really amused throughout the whole show. Spencer Wells asked kind of sarcastically (?) if I was "Richard Dawkins." No, I'm not, Spencer :) Thanks to Chris Lydon for giving a shout out to me at the end of the show. Also, Brendan said that both John and Spencer were on the show at my suggestion, so that's cool, I guess I'm a "scientific activist" of sorts now?


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Do they archive their segments like NPR?

By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 30 Mar 2006 #permalink

Z, will you sign my copy of The Ancestor's Tale? ;)

By Rikurzhen (not verified) on 30 Mar 2006 #permalink

wouldn't it have been great if i had the initials r.d.?