Mendel's Garden #5

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Mendel's Garden #5 is up on Evolgen.
Mendel's Garden is the original genetics blog carnival. The next edition will be hosted by Jeremy at Another Blasted Weblog. If you would like to submit a blog post to be included in the carnival, send an email to Jeremy (jcherfas at mac dot com). The carnival should be posted within the next few…
In this month's edition of Mendel's Garden we present to you the latest from the home office in Brno: Mendel's Premium Fish Flakes. Guaranteed to invigorate your favorite genetic model organism, these flakes will work wonders. Here are some testimonials: Coturnix is wowed about how his massive…
I will be hosting Mendel's Garden #25 at evolgen. That's right: the carnival is back! Mendel's Garden is the original blog carnival devoted to genetics. Submit your genetics related posts to evolgen[at]yahoo[dot]com. Because Mendel's Garden has been dormant for the past few months, I'll be…